
Learning How To Draw Cartoon Characters Step By Step Is A Lot Of Fun

By Christi Larsen

Knowing how to draw cartoon characters step by step would probably rate as one of the most exciting things to learn. Every person has their favorite quirky animated story characters that they watch; drawing them could be easier than one might imagine. Learning how to do this is by simplifying the anatomy of each character that one wants to sketch.

So as to sketch, there are a few items that one will essentially need. This list of items will include; high-quality sketching pencils, drawing sheets, rulers, geometric boxes and an eraser. If sketches are going to be put onto computer then one is advised to make use of blue or yellow pencils to outline the initial drawing.

One has to start off by drawing the character's outline that a person would want to sketch; simple geometrical shapes need to be used to form the basic skeletal figure of the required caricature. For instance, use ovals or circles as the basis for a head and rectangles; parallelograms or triangles to form the body outline. Choose any shapes that are closest in representing the shape of the caricature's body that is being sketched.

Once the body and head are done then thin triangles or rectangles can be added to the basic skeleton that has been formed. This will be the rough sketch of the character that is being drawn. Then one must add details over the skeleton sketch; but before doing this visualize what the final product must look like.

It might possibly end up looking similar to some or other existing characters but most cartoons do have certain identifiable features that this new drawing may not have. Visualizing the overall "personality" of the character will also help to make the process a lot easier. If using an animal figure then by using human-like features, it will ensure that it will have a cartoon-like or comical feel to it; similarly using oversized eyes or ears will give the same effect.

Those that are not strong on visualizing their own cartoons can also have as much fun copying a favorite character as well. But if one researches various drawings and finds a few that they like it will also help create new ideas. One can also combine a lot of different drawings into one single cartoon caricature.

Another method of drawing is to use graph paper; this is referred to as the grid method. Using this type of paper will help those that are not able to sketch freehand; all it requires is placing the picture over the grid and copying it according to each line and square. This is a much longer process but will be just as rewarding in the end.

Knowing how to draw cartoon characters step by step may take a while to learn to perfect, but is easy and will end up being natural to do and once the first drawing has been completed. Practicing will result in perfect cartoons over time. Numerous internet sites offer free tutorials that are easy to follow and understand; with a large variety of choices offered.

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