
Iconic And Famous Photographers In NYC

By Tamika Powell

Both New York City and Paris in France are considered extremely important cities in the history of photography. New York has produced some of the most important photographers, who have help push the medium into new directions. Some of these famous photographers in NYC include, Williams Klein, Nan Goldin, Garry Winogrand, Diane Arbus and Steven Klein.

Diane Arbus was born in New York City in 1923 and tragically committed suicide in 1971. She is possibly the most important female photographer of her generation. Arbus was primarily involved in photographing societies outsiders, using black and white film and the square format of the Hasselblad camera. She focused on people who were marginalised such as dwarves, giants, transgender people, nudists and circus performers. She used to refer to her subjects as "aristocrats", who had already passed their test in life.

Joel Meyerowitz is a New York street photographer who was one of the first photographers to start photographing in color film in 1962. His photographs capture the essence of New York's streets in vivid detail. He shoots his street work on 35mm film but also photographs on 8x10 large format film. He was the only photographer to be allowed to photograph ground zero after 9/11.

The fashion photographer Steven Klein is also based in New York. He is famous for producing surreal high-profile fashion images in the 1980s for Vogue, Arena and ID magazine. His photographs influenced many other mediums and he has photographed Brad Pit, Madonna and Tom Ford.

Diane Arbus is quite possibly the most important female photographer of all time. She used a 6x6 Hasselblad camera to capture people on the margins of society. She photographed giants, dwarves, circus performers, identical twins and trans-gender people, all of which she referred to as "aristocrats". She believed that her subjects had already passed their test in life, and she provide insight into areas of life that most people tend to avoid.

Nan Goldin moved to New York City in the 1970s and began photographing the punk scene that was emerging in the city, along with underground gay communities. She also documented the hard drug subculture of the Bowery area that became The Ballad of Sexual Dependency", which is her most famous work. Goldin's photographs are a real walk on the wild side in the city of New York and her snapshot aesthetic gave her photographs an edgy feel as she was personally involved with her subjects.

Steven Klein is a fashion photographer based in New York, that changed fashion photographer in a major way. His photographs are unusual because his models wear outrageous costumes in surreal settings. He famously photographed Madonna, Tom Form and Brad Pit and regularly produced high-profile images for the Vogue, Arena and ID fashion magazines. His highly conceptual style has made him one the world most famous photographers in fashion.

There are many other famous photographers in NYC and contemporary new York photographers are heavily influenced by these important photographers. These photographers moved the medium into new directions and created some of the world's most iconic images.

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