
Dr Seuss Artwork Is A Great Addition To Any Household

By Christi Larsen

Dr Seuss artwork is a great way to remember the works of a fine writer who has helped boys and girls to grow up to be adults who love to learn and explore. This writer, whose real name was Theodor Geisel, is responsible for writing such classics as Green Eggs and Ham, among many other famous works. These timeless classics are still enjoyed by children worldwide.

Geisel's writings help children understand that reading can be not only educational but also fun. His stories touch the heart of the reader as the reader learns to identify with the characters in the plot. Whether the character is a talking fish, a talking hat, or a regular human being, the reader learns to identity with and sees himself or herself in the story.

Children have to read books in order to build up their love for knowledge and learning. But, many children are spending their hours in front of the television where their imaginations are not developed but instead squashed. Many children spend far too many hours in front of the TV and this is reflected in poor test scores in school.

A lot of kids today spend even more time playing video games than watching television, let alone reading books, and this is scary. Video games are filled with violence and adult situations that can cause a child to become jaded to violence which has terrible consequences. Moms and dads will do well to help their children develop into responsible members of society by encouraging their kids to read more.

Children who learn to develop their minds reading books get better grades in school. Kids who get better grades in school will eventually do better in their careers and live more complete lives. Reading Geisel's books not only helps kids expand their frontiers but also help kids prepare for a more fuller, richer life.

Geisel was a humble man who committed his life to helping children develop their minds and imagination. He believed the children were the future of the world and that children had to be taught to love to read because reading opens up a world with no limits. Geisel is responsible in many ways for making this world a more interesting place because he helped many children, now adults, learn to appreciate the educational experience.

A lot of Seuss's books have been made into feature films that have brought happiness to many. But, even though the films are great fun for the whole family, reading his works is a better way to grow and develop one's imagination. Nothing can take the place of a great book on a rainy day and a cup of hot chocolate.

Dr Seuss artwork is reasonably priced and will make any room a tribute to this famous children's book writer. Children who spend time with their nose in a book rather than with their eyes glued to a TV will grow up loving to learn and eventually earn a higher income and leas a more fulfilled life. Many adults who are leading fulfilled lives can thank Dr. Seuss for helping them learn to love to learn and to fully develop their imagination.

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