
Making Pastels Art Work For You

By Paula Barron

Pastels art work can be a rewarding experience and it is a medium that is not explored enough so it is worthwhile trying this out. Many people are not aware of the effects that you can get from this and this is not their fault because it is not as widely known as something like oil paints.

Famous artists in the past have done a lot to develop pastels and it has definitely become more popular over the years, which is good to see. However, there are still people who see this as just another way of using a colored pencil. If you really had to experiment with this, you would see that it goes a lot deeper than this.

You can create an object or make a scene come to life just by using the pastels in a certain way. Very often it is up to the artist how they use it, so if you are saying that this is not something that is working out, you have to persevere. Perhaps it would be a good idea to learn from a professional.

You will find that just by using them in a different way, at a different angle you will be changing things around. You can also alter the pressure and you will find that there are a lot of other effects that you can achieve. These are normally light and dark and they are a great way of creating shadows.

Some of the things that you will see include the way you hold the pencil. If you put more pressure on it, then it will obviously become more dramatic. If you want a landscape of a couple of trees in a field, for example just using a black pencil you may not think that this is possible, but you would be wrong.

Pastels won't cost you as much either, so that is another bonus point and it is why they are great for the beginner. Of course, all levels should be trying different mediums, but you will find that if lots of tubes of oils are setting you back, then this is the next best bet. There is no doubt; the world of art can be expensive.

When you first start off, you may wonder how a simple pencil can make any difference, but as you start to use it in different angle, put more pressure on it, you will soon start to see this come to life. There is a lot you can do with these unique pencils which are different from any other type of pencil or paint brush and you will see that when you start to work with them. It will do you a lot of god to have a couple of lessons before you get started as well.

You can either do this with something like oils or other pencils. The choice is yours really, but you have to make sure that you don't lose anything and you don't have too much. The secret with pastels art work is to keep it simple and if you can do that, then you have achieved what most people are not able to. Another medium will also help you to create some texture.

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