
Excellent Photo - How To Do It Right

By Jimmy Cox

Because of the numerous technological advancements these days, most people think that an excellent photo is a mere product of smart cameras that are available in the market. They fail to see that a great factor behind this is the expertise of the photographer himself and the presence of the important elements that a masterpiece must have. Keen eye, patience and persistence are few of the characteristics a photographer must have besides sheer talent.

But before anything else, let us first take a closer look at the ideal kind of photographer you must be in order to produce these masterpieces. Passion is the main thing that drives most of the famed photographers today. Because of their passion in this craft, they will do whatever it takes to create an extraordinary image out of the mundane objects around which they use as inspiration. Moving forward, they pair this passion with persistence and timing that they may not miss any opportunity to create a masterpiece. As for the photography elements that you need to focus on, they come in three major categories. They are as follows.

Composition. This category includes details like depth, lines, perspective and shapes. When creating a shot, be keen about the boldest and widest lines and shapes found in your subject and its background. Adjust your camera lens to fit all the elements in one shot you are going to take. Lines are helpful in guiding the eyes of your viewers towards the very thing you want their attention focused. These lines may be traced from anything linear like pillars, trees or walkways. With the perspective, you can think of the most unusual angle from where you are going to shoot your image. A great perspective often results to an excellent photo from Lucky Birdy Productions that draws every viewer's attention.

Lighting. Just like the angle, exceptional lighting can uphold your subject in a different way. It can cause the viewers to feel different sentiments as they look at your photographic masterpiece. This is the same with the fact that some people are reminded of their past whenever they see printed images in grey scale and sepia. Have you seen images in silhouettes? Don't you think they appear dramatic? Silhouettes can be achieved with some backlighting. Shots taken in natural light also create a different aura that makes them feel refreshed. If you want to use natural light in your snap shots, simply position your subject beside a window where outside light passes through. You can work it all out from there.

Emotions And Surprises. Images filled with emotions are definitely appealing to viewers from all walks of life. Perfect illustrations of bliss, fear and love are not easily created. A photographer must have a keen eye and tons of patience when taking these shots. Surprise is another element that makes an excellent photo. They are usually seen in candid shots during moments filled with action, laughter or tears. They are best acquired when the subject is unaware of the photographer's intention to shoot him. Oftentimes, true emotions are taken when the subject is caught off guard.

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