
Can music videos make you famous?

By Andrew Livingston

What are your most liked music videos? It is true that the music videos and you tube music videos today have become very polished and very clean sounding. But does this mean that the music videos and you tube music videos today are better than yesterday's music?

There is more money put in music videos and you tube music videos today as let say twenty years ago. As before when Music television started the videos were pretty basic and straight forward. Many times the music videos and you tube music videos consisted of life musical performances from the bands.

Today that the music industry has a harder time, and the record companies are not selling as various copies of the recordings made as before, then the record companies need to put the money on the music videos and you tube music videos, and on touring.

Today's groups profit on touring and playing live shows everywhere on the planet. By the by they need to market themselves and individuals need to realize that this band exists. The music videos and you tube music videos is an amazing way for you to be known, yet the concerns is: will the music videos stations play it?

You can pick to make your particular music videos and you tube music videos and transfer them to the internet video websites. At the same time this will require a lot of efforts and time. Anyhow is it true that you are actually desiring to make it in music and you tube music videos and music videos?

Do you know what your music will resemble? What number of albums would you like to record? Would you like to self push your music videos and you tube music videos? Would you like to tour everywhere on the planet? The decision is yours.

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