
Transfer To DVD Using A Desktop Computer

By Dorothea Garner

Transferring DVD to disk can be easily achieved by following the default instructions you desktop computer instructs you to carry out. To transfer to DVD you will need some hardware to complete the job. These will include a video camera, clean formatted disks and a USB cable or memory card to transfer the data to your desktop computer.

Should you have just taken a movie of a party that your child celebrated, you may want to share this with friends and family. You will need to be able to download and store the video onto your desktop computer. Most video cameras that are manufactured today are produced with this facility.

For example, a four minute video can take up to one gigabyte of memory. This depends on which pixel setting you choose to use. It is because of this reason that clean DVD disks should be big enough to be able to accommodate large files. Purchased disks whether they are DVD re-writable disks or readable disks need to be formatted before data can be stored on them.

The reason as to why video files are large and also take time to transfer is because of several factors. Firstly, they are graphic images made up of many different types of information. This varies depending on how you set your video camera.

Should you be having trouble with this step you can search the Help and Support files on your system. With a Microsoft operating system these files can be located by typing into the search bar, how to format a disk using the NTFS formatting option. Once you have accomplished this you can now transfer the video file to disk.

Depending on which operating system you are using, when you put a clean disk in the hard drive your system will prompt you by asking you what you would like to do with the disk. You should select the option to format the disk for DVD capturing purposes. The disk will be formatted according to your selection.

The file that you have just saved can now be located where you stored it in the My Videos folder and burnt or copied to the formatted disk. This is a great way for instance should you have had a function such as wedding celebration, you can send copies out to your guests as a gesture of thanks for attending. This can be done relatively inexpensively should you be able to do this yourself.

To transfer to DVD is really a simple exercise although if you have never done this before it may prove confusing. Best practices here are to write down step by step what you intend doing before starting this task. This will ensure that you do not pressurize yourself whilst you are attempting to complete all the steps involved. It is a worthwhile exercise to complete should you have currently bought a new video camera.

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