
Tips In Selecting A Violin Chinrest

By Claudine MacDonald

Most string players are using the same violin chinrest that comes with their violins on purchase. What many fail to acknowledge is that most really do not fit them. The use of an ill fitting attachment may affect your performance. The faces of different people really vary and so would the attachments available. One would have to secure the one that would fit him best.

Ill fitting rests would affect one's performance as well as his comfort. One would experience some problems like aches, clenching and sore. They would be from constant pressure from contact of the chin and the neck. If these are felt, one should consider leaving the old behind and head out and look for a new one that fits better.

Finding a good fit would really be beneficial because greater comfort can allow you to play better. You can adapt a more appropriate posture. There would also be better support for both the instrument and your anatomy.

It is imperative for you to head out and search for the right attachment yourself. Shopping online would not be a wise also because of the variations which would be right for you would really differ from ever style and manufacturer. You have to try each out yourself and find one that feels right and feels comfortable.

You need to take note how high the chin rest is. You will know that it is the proper height for you if there is a finger breadth space between the rest and your jaw. You should be looking straight ahead when measuring this. If you need to bow too far down, then that means the rest is too short. Too shallow a nod means it is too high for you.

One should also consider the flexibility of his shoulder. A player who has a flexible shoulder can have a rest that is mounted on the left side of the instrument's tailpiece. One who has less flexibility should get one whose rest is mounted a little over the instrument's tailpiece. One has to find where he is most comfortable.

There are many variations one can find for every chin rest. There are those which have arcs that are deep and some are closer to being flat. Some have them mounted to the left and some are on the center. One has to find the one that has the best contour suited to his jaw and causing the least discomfort.

Making use of well fitted rests will be very beneficial for one's health and his performance as well. With a great fit, one frees his left collarbone of the static tension and allows greater movement. The weight of the instrument is brought closer to the body as well so it would be lighter and easier to carry. One can freely move his arms which results in an improved scroll height.

Be sure to get the right violin chinrest for you. Choose it the same way you would the instrument. It will be time consuming to find the perfect one but it would really pay off.

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