
The lesson you will be taught from Fight Club

By James Kowalsky

Fight Club premiered in 1999 but the film is still popular. Even nowadays people are familiar with this quote: "Second rule of the Fight Club is... you do not talk about Fight Club". Movie have a huge worldwide recognition. And things like soap in this film became symbol of it. How many of last year launches do we still remember? This movie is product of movie art and we are now heading to discover the reason why.

By seeing the movie we learn certain values that were valid before, now and for years. And why is that? One element that decides about the excellence of this movie is its cast. Incredibly sharp-looking Brad Pitt. Men love him, women love him. He played the great character - Tyler Durden. Many people say that it was his best role. A part from that, he already had plenty different fantastic roles on his account. Next great actor from that movie is Edward Norton. He plays the role of narrator. What is amazing about him, is that he can play so different roles. From ruthless bullies to sensitive lovers. The only female leading role was played by British actress Helena Bonham Carter. Carter played the part of wild woman, and she have done that so exceptional, that Marla Singer (performed by Helena) refined into some sort of admired by her fans seductress.

We know that fine actors don't mean to say good movie. A lot of movies with very popular actors and actresses are pretty bad, when often we can find real treasures among movies with actors that nobody even know This movie is more than just Pitt, Norton and Carter. This movie illustrates issues of our society - it is why it is an outstanding movie. We work to buy. We buy to feel great, but we won't. No thing in the earth will buy us contentment. In fact, we don't need half the things we buy. We are constantly in rush. Gaining and losing minutes by catching earlier bus or plane. It is hard for us to face the fact that our existence is here and right now. What we do have to realize is that, we can't slow down or fast forward time. We need to live our life. We play the game in the massive society made by the mass media and commercials. What we wear what we feed on and where we shop, it's all dictated by big companies. What we think is good and bad is what TV tells us. This movie captured all problems that came along with global growth and then creation of Tyler Durden was undertaken the way we all want to identify with him.

Still, what is the reason why this film's called Fight Club? It is because of the club where the members could fight. The narrator started it to change his life. This movie will make you want to fight like probably none you have ever watched before. The movie will make you believe that fight isn't anything totally wrong.Behind all fights can be found covered meaning. It's a return to our root base. Reality is we are even now little bit like animals. We are motivated by similar impulses. We are different just because we are more intelligent. Just that. The fight is the most basic method for person to put aside the concerns of each day life. It is the way we are designed to persevere. The world seem to be different when the fight is over. You feel new and free. Even though everyone in the world says to us we are free but we have got million regulations we have to comply with. I don't think it's freedom. Movie ended up being a gift to our world , for people that tried to figure out how to feel free.

When we talk about story of the movie we can't fail to recall the most visible image of the movie which is Fight Club soap. It isn't coincidence that this simple item like soap gets so important in this movie. If we think about it we will discover huge irony in the process of soap making and reselling soap. Tyler was using human fat in the process of creating soap. Fat was stolen from liposuction clinic. He would sell the soap to expensive shops. Thus the very same women paid out cash to get rid of fat, basically to get it back again from the shop, in the soap bar form.

This movie is at some points rough and bloody but entertaining and clever. It is truly incredibly excellent film and it's been accomplished using good actors and great scenario. This movie can be watched many times and still be interesting. Movie has all traits of a great movie. We have good actors, great scenario, we can learn from it and it's very watchable.

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