
The Best Digital SLR Cameras of 2012 - Cameras, Tips, and Things You Should Know

By Kai Domingo

Many people have taken interest in photography because digital cameras have made it easy for anyone to take great photos. Of course, with digital cameras, many people are able to pass themselves off as a photographer without really having any real skills. In any case, photography is certainly one of the most rewarding hobbies out there.

You'll want to think about the camera you'd like to use when you want to get into photography. If you're serious about taking good photos, you need a Digital SLR camera (which lets you do manual photography instead of the typical point and shoot style you're probably used to). In this article, we'll give you information on a couple of the top-notch digital SLR cameras to help you pick the one that's most appropriate for you.

The Nikon D5000 is the perfect digital SLR camera for photographers who are yet starting. It isn't cheap, it retails for almost a thousand dollars. It's well worth the price, though, because the Nikon D5000 will allow you to capture high quality, professional looking photos. The best things about this camera are the quick action it takes when you actually snap the photo (Nikon is famous for having a lag time) and the video quality. This camera also comes with a good lens, which is pretty good for kit lenses. Often, Nikon and Canon are the first brands that come to mind when people think about high quality or professional cameras. However, on the list of the top digital SLR cameras today is the Olympus E-3, which is neither made by Canon or Nikon. The camera's body costs approximately $1500 and the lenses cost extra. Because of its flexible LCD screen, you'll be able to snap pictures from angles that you would otherwise have a hard time taking if you were using a different DSLR camera.

When you are shopping for your first (or next) DSLR camera, you need to spend some time thinking about what you really want your camera to do for you before you go shopping. This will help you narrow down your choices quite considerably. Are close up or detailed photos your preference? Maybe you like taking wide angle shots. Are you interested in capturing video too? These are all things to decide before you go shopping.

There is no shortage of DSLR cameras these days. As a result, it can be a real challenge to shop for the best digital SLR camera for you.

So much depends on the kind of photography you really want to do. Your chances of finding the right digital SLR camera for you go up, however, if you carefully look at what each of your choices offers. Keep in mind the tips we've shared in this article because they can help with your search too.

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