
Many years awaited is the new picture which comes before long: The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey

By Tobi Vu

Tension is rising around the debut for the anticipated fourth addition to the Lord Of The Rings anthology. The Hobbit is being preceded by many pre-release events and news-media events. December 14th is approaching soon and this prequel to the LOTR anthology looks to delight the masses of JR Tolkien fans.

Avid LEGO fans seriously wait the release of the new Lego theme, The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey which comes in the same month as the new movie.

The Storyline

The chief character, Bilbo Baggins, is comfortably entrenched in his home, that to some is really a hole, but for the hobbit of Middle Earth, it truthfully is home in the midst of a beautiful land, when he's approached by Gandolf the Grey. On this unique morning, Gandolf is seeking a hero -- someone to guide an adventure to correct a wrong that has been dealt to his associates, the dwarves.

In the Lonely Mountains of Middle Earth, the dwarves have had their home and coffers of gold taken by a bad dragon, Smaug.

Bilbo will be quite content if Gandalf and his group of dwarves would find another possibility for this rescue journey, since he is sort of comfortable along with his current environments and has no wish to change them.

He tries his best to decline, but is dragged into this life changing occurrence. He learns that inside of himself is really a brave and strong hobbit which can achieve outcomes that he never dreamed of exercising.

As the journey unfolds, Bilbo discovers himself leading his motley group through perilous lands loaded with hazardous and terrible creatures, giant spiders from the dark forest, and even a confrontation with a miserable troll from whom, during a riddling spar, brings him into possession of a special ring - the ring which will turn out to be the premise for The Lord of the Rings anthology where Frodo, Bilbo's nephew shall be introduced as the new champion.

There are 3 chief segments of the Lord Of The Rings

* LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring - LOTR: The Two Towers ** LOTR: The Return of the King

Frodo and his friends try in the anthology to obliterate this one ring when it truthfully is discovered that it will spell the end of Middle Earth.

Of course, there is an bad individual, the Shadowy Lord Sauron whose desire to own the ring is precisely the rationale why Frodo is commissioned by Gandalf the Grey and his own uncle Bilbo to wipe out the ring for all time..

The narrative Begins with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

For those who might have chosen to see the films without originally reading the books, the Lord of the Rings, is in all probability hard to understand because of the reality that it is a prequel to a later movie coming out this December, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

For a basis for the company and the friendships created within The Lord Of The Rings trilogy you first must go back to the history established in the Hobbit. The chronicle behind how Bilbo finds himself in possession with the One Ring, his deep relationship with Gandalf the Gray, along with the back chronicle on the bad lord Sauron can be established in this film.

There are a slew of pivotal characters in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey...

*Bilbo Baggins - a hobbit of the shire.

*Gandalf the Gray - the wise sorcerer who searches out Bilbo for the adventure.

*Sauron - forger of the One Ring and creater of its strength, Sauran is a diabolical necromancer who has his sights set on raining destruction on all of Middle Earth.

*Dain Ironfoot - a dwarf acknowledged for his tremendous skill in war.

*Bofur - brother in arms on the trip for the Lonely Mountain that traveled with Bilbo and Thorin. *Elrond - the initiator of the stunning town of Rivendell and dad of Arwen. Both Arwen and her father are immortal. His dominance and authority over Rivendell is wielded with the health and well being of his subjects primary in his mind. The book give the impression of his bloodline as half-elf; however, his heredity arrives from all three eleven houses. Elrond, and his descendants, have the capacity to select between mortality and an immortal life.

*Thorin Oakenshield - battling for his lawful place as ruler of the dwarves, he is a powerful fighter.

*Frodo - a hobbit of the shire, and nephew of Bilbo.

*Beorn - a shapeshifter with the capability to exist as a person or in the appearance of a bear.

*Saruman - this istari started off supporting the good in all of Middle Earth, but as the One Ring started to demonstrate its power he turned corrupted.

*Gollum - 'my precious' is the expression he is recognized for as he yearns relentlessly for the One Ring that has changed his form into a repulsive form.

*King Thranduil - Elven King.

*Kili - a youthful dwarf in the party. He is just about always seen with his brother, Fili and the two are a pleasant duo of fiddle-playing, fun-loving, brave and loyal dwarves.


Though it truthfully is suggested to read all of the books before seeing the films, The Hobbit newbies can thrill to this epic journey even if time will not allow the book-reading.

For those that desired more foundational facts to link up the associations from the characters in The Lord Of The Rings anthology, this narrative can truthfully complement the sweeping and rich imagery invoked with the trilogy.

C.S. Lewis was supposed to be a valued friend of Tolkien and that he wrote his four volumes set inside of the matching historical period. We think that this is true as well as the reality that Tolkien's stories are packed with more than Fanciful tales within a make believe place.

The Hobbit is a narrative of friendship, loyalty, courage against all likelihood, and the strength of not giving up. The Lord of the Rings trilogy carries this motif onward, as Frodo's journey to wipe out the ring pits this cheerful, young hobbit within the hands of death more than once.

Without friendship we as communal beings cannot boom. This is evident within the depiction of Frodo as this motif moves from The Hobbit into the later trilogy where Frodo transforms from a blissfully innocent hobbit into a hero to all with the help of his associates.

It was one time declared by an intelligent person, "for evil to triumph, good men need do nothing."

These volumes create a statement to every one who hear their tales that delves further, "When the champions of good, whether weak or strong, take it upon themselves to right that which is dishonest, bad will not triumph!"

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