
How Good is the Canon Rebel T4i compared to the new Nikon D5200?

By Jeremy Bayston

With Canon and Nikon both fighting for the beginner level category, they have both launched video friendly DSLRs to tempt enthusiast and professional videographers. Despite the two DSLRs coming from different manufacturers, they have a lot in common. They are both useful upgrades to current digital cameras (the D5100 and the Canon T3i), and are designed to maintain their markets by extending into video producing, which both Canon and Nikon see as potential areas for expansion. It is clear that Nikon and Canon are regarding the entry level market as a major battleground, particularly in the USA.

The Canon T4i doesn't feel quite as sturdy as the D5200, but it is solid enough for everyday use. It is a slightly larger than the D5200 though, and so much easier for anyone with normal sized hands to hold. The scroll-wheel clicks comfortingly as it turns and the buttons on the back are tactile. The layout at the back of the Canon T4i is well thought out and has more buttons, making searching into the menu settings a lot quicker and easier. Some are multioption buttons, which can take a little thought. For example, the same button that begins recording video in movie mode also enables Live View in still shooting mode. The small downside of this is that some of the buttons are very close together. However, the Canon T4i offers a dedicated ISO function, and speedy access to white balance, drive mode, and AF settings (the D5200 doesn't have any of these). There is an IR sensor on the front of the camera, but no Fn button as there isn't really a need for it.

Both cameras have an articulated LCD backscreen. The Canon T4i has an obviously larger resolution than that of the D5200. The Canon's LCD view screen has 1040 thousand dots, while the D5200 has 921 thousand. One of the the Canon T4i's best selling points is that the LCD view screen is touch sensitive. This makes it much easier to arrange settings and, more importantly, it lets you choose a focus point through Live View. You can also shoot your picture by tapping on the area where you want the camera to focus. These are very clever and useful functions, taken from the Compact System Camera (CSC) ranges that are out now. It is great to see this technology being adopted by the Canon T4i as it makes it far more accessible than any other camera in its bracket.

The Canon's phase detect AutoFocus system is exceptionally quick. Whilst it has only 9-point Auto Focus system, as opposed to the 39-points of the D5200, it is both quick and accurate for general-purpose photography. The Canon T4i doesn't have a dedicated AF assist light, but it is able to use its built-in flash in these circumstances. The T4i offers full-time AF in video mode, which matches the D5200 and, with Canon's STM lenses, the focussing is quiet enough for shooting video. It also has an external Mic socket. It is fair to say that the Canon Rebel T4i is likely to be the better DSLR for shooting movies. The LCD viewingscreen, full-time AutoFocus, and external Mic make it ideal for your everyday video needs.

The Nikon D5200 is a solidly built camera and smaller than it's predecessor, the D5100. This might cause issues for those of us with expansive (average!) hands. It doesn't always have the feel of an ordinary DSLR, especially when fitted to a large lens. While it doesn't equal the build quality of the magnesium alloy D7000, the toughened plastic body feels pretty solid and sturdy. The layout at the rear is easy to navigate with an array of buttons to make access to the multiple functions simple to follow. Live view is easily accessible and film recording can be initiated with a press of a single button. It has just a single control wheel which is snappy and responsive. There is an IR spot on the front of the camera and also a dedicated AF assist light, which the Canon T4i lacks. On the right side there is a customizable Fn button which can be used to control image quality, ISO, active-D lighting, or white balance (there are no dedicated single buttons for these options). The pop-up flash automatic in green mode, meaning that the flash will pop up on its own if the camera thinks it is needed.

The LCD screen is has come from the D5100, where it was enormously popular. As with with the Canon T4i, it is very useful for photographing at strange angles and is particularly useful when shooting films. The help menus are excellent and make the Nikon D5200 quite beginner friendly. The display rotates with the camera, meaning that text on the status screen won't show sideways when you're taking portraits. The playback option is quick and efficient you won't have to wait for pictures to load. And there is a wide-ranging info screen which lets you manage just about every shooting parameter that it has to offer. However the four way selector is not as simple to use as the one on the Canon. The Nikon D5200 doesn't have as many external buttons as the Canon T4i, making a few of the menu options hard to locate. The new(ish) Expeed 3 processor makes the Nikon fast and decisive in phase detect AutoFocus and extremely fast in Live View. The D5200's articulated screen comes in handy for shooting video, and Nikon have improved the number of frame rate options, introducing 60i and 50i. Like the Canon T4i, it will accept an external microphone and has full-time video AutoFocus.

At low very ISO, the Canon T4i equals the Nikon, though the D5200 is a little better at maximum (non-expanded) ISO. Overall, the Nikon offers slightly better image quality than the Canon. Remember, the Canon T4i also has a physically smaller sensor than the D5200. It may not seem like much, but 1.6x rather than 1.5x, along with the increased resolution, puts the Nikon D5200 in the lead. For more information on the sensors, take a look at the sensor scores published by DxO labs.

In short, the Canon Rebel T4i has superb AutoFocus, a splendid articulated touchscreen and is a really superb video camera. The Nikon D5200 has excellent, fast AutoFocus, a good articulating screen, a great buffer/processor and very useful in-camera guides.

In my opinion if you had no camera loyalty either way, the Canon T4i would be the better camera to buy. The difference in image quality is barely noticeable under normal conditions and the Canon certainly matches the D5200 on the video front. Whilst both DSLRs are superb in their own ways, the Nikon D5200 costs more than the small improvements over the Canon T4i would warrant.

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