
What You Should Know About How To Become A Dj

By Brandie Montgomery

Disc jockeying is a term that has spread like wild bush fire in all corners of the developed and developing world. It refers to the profession undertaken by deejays. This is an industry that is highly coveted by numerous youths from all over the world for its association to stardom. Furthermore, jockeying has spread as a result of the rapid burgeoning of radio stations, clubs, television stations and raves all over the world. Despite sounding so lucrative and fun, there are a few things that one should know about how to become a dj.

Disc jockeying is a diverse service that can be divided into four distinct groups. The first class goes to mobile deejays who are constantly on the move. Mobile disc jockeys are found in weddings, birthday parties, funerals and banquets. They specialize in showcasing most recent hits songs and playing songs as requested by revelers.

Club deejays are entertainers who specialize in hyping revelers in clubs, restaurants, raves, concerts and discos. Their core skills include; beat matching, scratching, cutting and beat mixing. They use a combination of high speed beats and voice to keep roisterers on their feet and entertained all night. Hip hop spin masters are commonly found in gigs and ciphers. They facilitate rap battles, freestyle sessions or back up emcees at events.

The last category is made up of radio jockeys who play music on radio shows, choose the play lists, control the equipment and participate on some shows. Radio is more interactive with the audience since they have to come up with interesting stories and contests to keep the listeners tuned in to the show. In addition, they conduct interviews with celebrities and guests; keep listeners informed about the weather, traffic and social stuff.

Despite the boom in this trade, there are no schools that offer deejaying as a professional course. Nevertheless, there are a variety of voice modulation, sound engineering and mass communication courses that equip an individual with some relevant skills. Some of the prerequisites for a presenter are a smooth, enticing voice, a witty sense of humor, expansive information relating to music and trends in the industry.

The ability to talk about music, conduct interviews and present shows in a captivating way is what sets apart a successful deejay from other fakes. Since a majority of radio listeners are young, the presenter must always come up with novel content that keeps listeners entertained.

Whilst the job may seem like all pomp and fun to teenagers, it is actually tough and demanding. Long hours in radio studios, sound proof recording stations, noisy raves and gigs are bound to exert a lot of mental pressure on anyone. Furthermore, they are expected to always be interesting and fast on their feet when conducting interviews.

In order to learn how to become a dj, an interested individual should try getting connections with an already successful industry professional. This way, one can learn the dirty tricks and twists of the game through apprenticeship.

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