
There Is More To Boob Art Than Meets The Eye

By Anna Hernandez

In order to raise funds and awareness with regard to breast cancer, boob art has become a very popular form of expression. In most countries around the earth there are ongoing campaigns to try and find better ways to fight breast cancer because it's one of the most common types of cancer that causes death in women. The symbol of the pink ribbon is famous because that is the symbol of breast cancer.

When one considers this type of campaign, one automatically will think about body painting. There are several awareness campaigns for breast cancer which use body painting as a means to raise funds and educate. One such initiative to raise funds and awareness to help treat women with this horrible disease uses women who are survivors of breast cancer as models for their campaign.

One such painting that really was outstanding was a woman who had a phoenix painted on her breasts and abdomen. It was reborn from of the flames, seeming to signify the strength that this women had. She had gone through an ordeal and had risen out of the depths of hell to begin again.

As an example, one photograph contained a woman whose body paint was that of a phoenix rising out of the flames that was painted across her chest and abdomen. The colors are bright and the effect is striking. All of this kind of work is done very tastefully and the women are covered effectively. There are many other types of charities that use this form of work as part of their awareness campaigns.

Exquisite paintings will be done on their breasts and stomachs that portray a painting that is best suited for that particular individual. Once the painting is complete, a professional photographer will take posed photographs. The photographs are then used to make printed gifts such as t-shirts, mugs and mouse pads which are sold over the internet and at other charity events.

Another organization holds an annual fashion event that uses breast enhancing fashion to remind women that they can be beautiful despite the ravages of this disease. The annual fashion show was introduced so that the creme de la creme of society could contribute to the cause. Women parade down the catwalk in clothing that has been designed by top designers.

Of course funds are raised because from the entrance fee and anyone that buys the clothes. These fashion events are then broadcast as podcasts on the internet while requests will go out for donations of any amounts to be made to that particular foundation. Another organization designs t-shirts with funny messages with regard to breasts and the funds made from the sale of them are donated towards the cause.

Boob art is a wonderful way to highlight the suffering and the pain that women go through. The cause is purely there to educate women on how to look after their bodies and how to check for lumps in their breasts. The money that is raised is used for other women who are going through the same experience and helps with medical costs. Everyone can get involved in helping to campaign and build awareness, even if they just wear the pink ribbon.

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