
The Role Of Digital Collages In The Evolving World

By Ethel Harris

Art is acknowledged as the most effective way of expressing matters of the heart. This idea is overemphasized by the saying a picture is an equivalent of a thousand words. Both feelings and words can be put across in form of art. Art and design have gone through massive evolution. Once upon a time, earth and oil paints were the only materials used in art. These two may have been good. However, they also had their limitations. That artists and the society at large do not get maximum feel of art has been a big challenge for quite a long time. The digital collages have reduced the gap between people and this old age practice. This technique is still at inception

In digital collage, an artist creates images by using different virtual materials. This is done by special computer programs. Its is surprising how people appreciate this relatively young technology. The success of this technology may be attributed to its unrivaled benefits.

It goes without saying that internet is now part and parcel of humanity. People spend lots of time glued to their computer screens. They seldom have time to venture out. As such, attendance of museum and arts exhibition keeps dwindling. Arts are made for people. The life of art depends on how much people appreciate it. Inadequate attendance of exhibitions threatens to kill this lucrative business. Computer generated collage has the ability of taking art to the people through the internet. This way, it helps keep art alive.

Few people have had the chance to participate in arts. Art has been kept away from people, including its ardent fans. This alienation started with the birth of the concept art as a talent. People had a notion that architects possessed special talents. This may be true to some extent. However it tends to alienate people from art. It bars would be fans from their journey to curiosity. The advent of computers has made the field of art quite comprehensible. With computers, all you need are a few skills in computer literacy, and maybe an imaginative mind. With this you can create play around with images and still end up with something really impressive.

Amalgamating art with computers increases the audiences of a piece of work. The twenty first generations understand computers better that real life. Taking art to them through computers is a sure way of getting them to have a feeling of this traditional practice.

Computers have an additional advantage of improving the outlook of works of art. Collage is the practice of unifying unique objects. Ingredients of non-digital collage are rare more so in towns. It is way simpler to create virtual versions of the said ingredients. The images can be made using any of the innumerable computer programs. The virtual images can then be co-aligned to create any desired figure.

It is simpler to handle digital images that it is with real life collage. The images can be stored, changed or regenerated without much ado. All these can be done at about no cost.

The relevance of digital collages cannot be ignored or be looked down upon. These images have the capacity to safely preserve art amidst the changing technological know-how over a very long duration of time.

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