
The Power Of Art Helps Foster Children Heal Their Wounds

By Natasha Moore

Community activists have long searched for ways to instill self esteem and self worth into children living in impoverished conditions. The hope is that they will find the courage and strength to raise themselves out of their hardships and lead productive and fulfilling lives. The odds against the activists being successful can be overwhelming at times, but still they fight to rescue as many of the youth as they can. One way that is gaining attention is using the power of art to help foster children escape their pain and see the value in living a good life.

Their is an age requirement for those who will participate in these programs. A person should not be younger than twelve or older than eighteen. The target segment are those who are from dysfunctional families and have a high risk of engaging in bad behavior.

There are many places the activist can go to locate potential artists. They can be found in the hallways of the juvenile court system. Others have been place in foster homes that may or may not provide a safe environment. Others are sitting in classrooms of alternative schools after getting thrown out of the regular schools.

Researchers are looking for way to introduce the youngsters to a different way of venting their anger and frustrations. The researchers hope that by giving these young people a healthy way to express themselves they will begin to care about themselves and others. If they can get a troubled teen to accept that they have value, then they may decide to build a good life for themselves.

When most people are creating art they are revealing a part of their soul. A person is allowing others to see a part of them that they may have always kept hidden. Through this form of expression they can release some of the turmoil that might be bothering them.

Any form of expression can be used when instituting a program like this. A child can express themselves through a painting, performing, or other ways. What matters most is that they are actively participating in what is being created and presented to an audience. A child should not feel that they are part of the audience and not have considerable input into the process that is unfolding.

One should use professionals that can teach them how things are done in order for them to build their skills. A teacher who can relate to the struggles and feelings can be a tremendous asset to connecting with the troubled teens in a way other may not be able to. This attachment might help to ensure that the children keep on coming back and develop a positive attitude about what is happening.

There are many troubled teens walking the streets of practically every town and city in the world. These teens may have come from homes where there is little love or comfort. The children can become angry and do bad things that can have a lasting affect on their life. Some people have formed programs aimed at helping the children change their lives by using the power of art.

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