
The Influence Of Acrylic Artists On The Art World

By Celia Hall

Water color and oil paints existed long before acrylics. It is only in the 20th century that acrylic artists began gaining recognition. Artists were drawn to this medium because of its benefits such as the fact that it dried much quicker than oils. A whole new realm of possibilities opened up to them.

Oil paints were appreciated for their texture and workability but there were certain disadvantages, one of the greatest being the long time they took to dry. Many of those who painted with oils had to have a few paintings on the go at the same time to get around this waiting period. The idea that one could complete a painting without having to do this was novel. These new paints were also easier to clean and did not smell like oils.

A quality which these early painters discovered was the great versatility of acrylics. They could be used straight out of the tube and thickly applied or diluted in order to appear like water colors. Glazing was simple due to the quick drying time and using these paints together with other media was also possible.

The fact that this medium could be mixed with other media successfully was also an advantage. Charcoals, charcoals and pastels could now be used together. An artist like Robert Motherwell created striking paintings using mixed media.

Of course the fact that these paints dried so quickly did present problems. Some techniques which were easy with oils proved more difficult with acrylics. Quick drying meant that before any blending could take place, the paint was already dry. So the very thing which made them so popular presented some challenges too.

Another factor which was appreciated was that acrylics could be used for painting on just about any grease free, non shiny surface although stretched canvas was most commonly used. Cleaning up was also not as difficult as with oil paints and they did not have the smell of oils which had a negative effect on some people.

There are a number of galleries today that still do not want to sell acrylics. They feel it is an inferior medium to oils. This prejudice is slowly changing as acrylics improve in quality and artists produce impressive works. As with any medium, there are drawbacks when using acrylics but when used correctly, the benefits outweigh any negatives.

The fact is that it does not matter so much what medium an artist works in as what is done with it. Today there are many who mix media and will use both oils and acrylics. It is their choice as to what best suits the way they work and their style. Today, extenders and retarders are used to combat the problems which caused challenges in the past.

There are countless acrylic artists today who are in love with this medium and definitely do not feel that it is inferior. Using these fast drying paints has enabled them to develop a much wider audience and be successful financially. Bespoke artwork is being produced for clients too and the future looks bright.

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