
The Growing Popularity Of New House Music Releases

By Lenore Bolton

Songs play a major role for individuals. They are listened to for various purposes like relaxation, reflections, to pass time or for entertainment. Other major reasons are to pass information or even make a living out of the industry. Composition of songs is dated back to centuries and ages ago. Over time different genres have sprung up and each of these genres are enjoyed by different groups of people. New house music releases have caused a major stir worldwide due to its popularity.

Song composition grew from when there were no instruments for composition to when beats, rhythms and melodies were introduced. Various genres are said to have sprung from other genres while others are a fusion of two or more genres. This is a kind of dance genre that originated in the late twentieth century. It is believed to have originated from Chicago. It is said to be similar to disco genre but with a more upbeat feel.

Just like all other types of songs, this genre takes into consideration the basic musical aspects. These include harmony, melody, rhythm and lyrics. Producing a song is about playing around with these different aspects to bring out different genres. Some genres focus on one aspect more than the other while some take all into keen consideration equally. This genre focuses on the rhythm mainly.

The key element that defines this genre is the beats. It is characterized by a kick drum on every beat. This is generated by a machine or a sampler. The genre is said to have a powerful beat rhythm that stands out more than the melody. This was majorly influenced by disco melody but with a faster tempo.

The melody is the second most considered aspect. Being of the dance and disco nature, this melody is translated into a steady bass sound. The bass sound is produced by electronic machines in the studio as well. This machine is known as a sampler or a synthesizer. Other aspects like lyrics are not paid much attention to as compared to the tempo and melody.

Being a widely produced genre, different styles have sprung up under it. The styles are distinguished by their melody, the instruments used in production and the origin of the song. One example that is characterized by the type of instrument used is the acid style. The main machine that distinguishes it is the electronic synthesizer sequencer.

Those that are determined by geographic origin are French genre, Dutch genre and Kwaito genre among others. They differ from each other because each area includes cultural style in their melodies and each of these cultures is different from the other. However the producers still follow the basic electro upbeat feel. Other types in this genre include ambient, bass line, electro, disco, funky and garage among others.

New house music releases have grown in popularity. They are incorporated across all kinds of melody like hip hop and gospel. They are played in houses, clubs, and stores and even during occasions or functions. This type of genre is a clear indication of the revolution in this industry.

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