
Taking A Picture For Singapore Passport Application

By Larry Bent

Pictures used for official government-issued records normally follow strict rules. This is also true for photos for passports issued in Singapore. The Southeast Asian nation would reject passport applications instantly if the picture attached doesn't adhere to its picture standards. If you are requesting for a Singapore passport, be sure to follow instructions from the Singapore Passport Agency precisely to prevent rejection of your application. Better yet, have a professional photographer take your photo. They know exactly how to take a Singapore passport picture.

Singapore uses 3.5 centimetre x 4.5 centimetre standard passport picture size, which is the same as the size used in Britain, Australia, Italy, and some Asian nations. You would need to submit 2 copies of borderless pictures in sharp and clear matte or semi-matte texture. You can also submit a digital copy of the photo in a CD, which needs to be in JPEG format with 514x400 pixel and not exceeding 60KB.

Make sure you are looking directly into the camera and your eyes are wide open when taking a passport picture. Your head should be upright and the whole of your head and the top of your shoulders must be visible, with your face positioned at the centre and measuring 2.5 centimetres x 2.5 centimetres from top to the chin. Any facial feature that you have, like moles, birthmarks, or tattoos, must be visible and not modified in the picture.

Hats and headgears are only allowed to be worn in the picture if they are regularly worn for religious, cultural, or racial traditions. And if you're wearing one, it shouldn't hinder your face in any way in the photo. Clear eyeglasses are allowed if they are also normally worn, but the frame shouldn't obscure your eyes and the lens should not reflect the flash. You may not wear sunglasses or any other coloured lenses, though. Your background should be plain white, but if you have the same hair colour or headwear, you can use a slightly grey background.

passport photo singapore requirements, which are similar with the visa photo requirements, are very strict. Any deviation from the standards given will be rejected. The Agency will even deny poor quality photo prints so make sure your photo is clear and has no discolouration or stain on it. You can take your picture yourself using a digital camera, but to be sure that your photo follows all requirements, turn to a professional photography service instead.

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