
I Fell Totally In Love With Ghana Movies

By Velvet V. Oldaker

My old roommate and I decided to take an impulsive trip to Africa a while ago, and while we were there, we found some fantastic fun in African cinema, especially Ghana movies. Before this trip, I had no idea that there were a lot of movies made in Africa, but I was soon educated with some truly great movies that highlight the unique cultures found in Africa. While we spent the bulk of our time out visiting cultural sites, restaurants, and general sightseeing, the thing that I remembered most from our trip was watching a new movie each night when we returned to our hotel room.

After our trip, we both went back to our usual routines, and around a year later, she got married, and we were both busy and didn't talk very often. So I was quite stunned when she called me one day and told me that she was coming over and bringing a movie for us to watch. I was so glad to hear from her, and I assumed that she would be bringing over some new Hollywood blockbuster.

You can imagine my delight when she came through the door holding up a copy of one of our very favorite movies from our trip. I had so much fun watching this film that I didn't think I would ever see again, and I realized that I loved the movie every bit as much as the first time I had seen it.

After the movie, we found ourselves talking about our trip and I mentioned how much I missed watching the Ghana movies like the one we had just seen. My friend laughed and told me that she had felt the same way, but then had discovered a website where all of the fantastic movies from Ghana as well as some Nigerian movies were sold.

I hastily asked her where I could find this website, and pulled out my laptop, excitedly typing in the address as she told it to me. And there on my computer were the very movies that we had watched on our trip to Africa, as well as a huge number of new releases from the thrilling world of African movies. We spent another hour or so looking over the website together having a great time laughing and talking about some of the movies that we had seen, and before she went home, we had placed a big order for movies that we were going to watch together so that we would always remember our awesome trip together.

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