
How to use your iPhone for making panorama photographs

By John Nayler

It is amazing that you can now make panoramic photos as part of the IOS 6 release. iPhone 4 started the series of iPhones that had the quality of camera and optics to take good photos. iPhone 4s moved it up a notch with the resolution and lens quality receiving a major upgrade. iPhone 5 is even better. With this quality the era of the pocket digital camera is on the way out, as the iPhone and other smart phones are making it easy to grab great photos and share them instantly.

The truth is that panoramic photography has been available for iPhone via a number of Apps for a long time. Autostitch and Microsoft Photosynth are just two examples of great apps for panoramas.

There is one big problem using the iPhone for making panoramas with all these apps. If you don't keep the camera lens in exactly the same position as you make the photos you will get parallax error. Parallax error is the reason that things in the individual photos will appear different. It is then up to the app or stitching software to make sense of it. In most cases it will distort the joins or make mistakes that appear ugly.

Parallax error has been a problem for photographers for many years and they have gone to great trouble and expense to solve it. Its been trouble for a long time.

SLR photographers have gone to a lot of effort to overcome this error. Expensive cameras, custom camera mounts and a heavy tripod is just the start. Its heavy too, and they don't get to see the result until after the photos are processed by software. The high demand environments and competitive forces have placed this out of reach of the average business. The set up and processing time for a professional were too high. Too few web sites included this technology.

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