
Embrace Your True Divine Expression

By Rosalind Landry

You were made by God, and your true nature is divine. All your thoughts and feelings, ll you want and need to achieve is possible. All you need to do is to reach within and find your own divine expression. It is hidden within, it is part of your true nature. Your own spirituality and strength is a part of who you really are.

You don't have to search for divine outside yourself. It is not something only few chosen individuals possess. It is hidden in all people, and the only secret is to recognize and express it. You alone are the source of all that spirituality your soul needs. All great things people are capable of are possible to achieve to whole, self-aware individuals only.

Satisfying only physical needs simply is not enough. Some people think they need to become very rich or successful to be happy. The only way of achieving your life goals and becoming happy is to feel complete, to become a whole. Expressing yourself, your true emotions and desires and thinking positively can be extremely efficient.

Express yourself, your own God given nature. You have to be more than just a physical being, and to accept the fact you have enormous power. This power was given to you to use it wisely, and it can truly affect all aspects of your existence. The things you feel, and those you think about, will affect the reality.

People who are scared, always in a bad mood and generally unhappy, those people are making themselves miserable. The power of positive thoughts is great, and negative thoughts can only make you weak, unsuccessful and poor. Even if you have all the money in the world, it won't make you better man, or more satisfied with yourself. It can push you away from your true, God given nature.

Some people instinctively know how to be better and more satisfied. Their positive thoughts, their awareness of their true nature and their unity with God, all those things are making them more powerful and happier. Experiencing divine and expressing it in every single aspect of life, that is what makes them more successful.

Success and happiness can be achieved, you just need to understand and embrace your God given nature. Positive thinking can make a great difference in it all. It really has a special power. If you embrace your true nature and achieve wholeness, nothing will stop you. Your mind is very powerful thing, and you should find out how to use it properly.

Don't allow to be limited by your fear in achieving your higher purpose. God gave you your strength and abilities, your dreams and desires. Embrace them, use those gifts on the best possible way and become a better person. Your wholeness is your goal, and it will make you more satisfied with yourself, more successful, and happier.

Divine expression makes a right path to true wholeness. Discovering the real beauty within is the first step. Accepting your divine nature is the next one. Believing in your inner strength and the immense power of positive thoughts will give you a clearer sight on the world around you.

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