
Create Your Own World With Fantasy Art Websites

By Brandie Montgomery

In the age of technology, masterpieces of artworks are available for people at a touch of a button. Fantasy art websites provide such services to people who love to look at such masterpieces. The fantastical, mythical and legendary are subjects that have fascinated man since story tellers told their stories from village to village. Myths of dragons and fairies and witches and wizards; legends of ancient monsters and mythical creatures such as sirens and mermaids is what has captured the imagination of man for eons.

Firstly, when undertaking such a piece of work, one needs to choose whether the theme will be based on good or evil. Evil could mingle with good or the piece of work could depict good overcoming evil. Once that has been decided, the creature, fairy or wizard could be created and what it will be based on. Often, beautiful women are used to portray mermaids and witches as well as fairies. Sometimes, they are used to depict warriors and huge muscled men are depicted in similar ways.

As an example, an artist decides to work a masterpiece which features a dragon and a warrior woman. He needs to decide the basic message that his work will portray to the beholder. He will need to decide if there is an element of good and evil within the rendering.

As an example, think of Dali's famous piece called Persistence of Memories which features melting clocks on a desert, beach-like landscape. This method is very popular when creating works that are unreal and fantastical. Often users are able to download these masterpieces onto their computers for free as wall papers and screen savers. They are either for sale for a small price or they are free of charge.

There are fantastical works depicting fairies of all kinds. Usually in the form of beautiful women who have been digitally altered so that their hair becomes ethereal and sparkling. They are given a pair of translucent wings and they are surrounded by a background that can only be imagined as a perfect background.

The background needs to have movement and drama swirling around the dragon and the women. Clouds need to build up in the night sky; lava must spill from the volcanoes. She needs to be standing at the very edge of a sharp cliff that above a raging sea as she stands up for herself. Her sword must be drawn at full length to strike the killing blow.

In order to achieve this kind of artwork, the artist should first do some thumbnail drawings. This will help the artist to define the subject matter and to work out the composition according to the rules of composition. The composition of the work is extremely important so that it's completely pleasing to the eye.

Fantasy art websites appeal to the curiosity and mystery of the beholder of these masterpieces. One can sit and imagine all day long the story behind the image and never get bored. Better yet, if one knows the legend on which the piece is based, one can almost read what will happen next.

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