
Animals That Belong In The Herd

By Celia Hall

Horses are thought of as herd animals. Their lives are vibrant and their social relations are extended to animals which are alike. They have split up the world into those in the herd plus those not belonging. It is the sole choice they have when considering their social being. None of them is equal to the other and as a result, members are subordinate or super ordinate and only a single leader exists.

Every member of the group is positioned lower than another in these herds. Regular fights occur when some of the members hope to check their status. The heads get frequent challenges from members. In this world, the continuation of a grouping is paramount. The group is most important compared to a single member.

Horses tend to follow the leader without question in a natural situation. This is likely to change when the position of the head is occupied by another animal. The role will however still remain like it was before and the animal at the helm is in charge. It is never specified for an individual. Horses require a leader always. When there is no head, they will assume responsibility.

By now, individuals must realize that their species see people as belonging to the group. They can choose to refuse any forms of interactions with individuals. They can also decide to follow people or lead them. It therefore only makes sense to own a horse if you play the role of leader. The species is guided by example and knowing what is required. Leading them does not involve forcing them to do something.

The animals can be signaled to act in ways they can understand simply if you want it to acquire certain behavioral traits. Whenever individuals are with the animals, they should monitor them while they respond to cues given to them. Take note of each instance they ignore you. When they continue ignoring you, go back and reinforce your function.

While performing the processes which are aimed at restoring your position, be cautious and watch so that the horse does not get easily bored. They are very bright animals and this means they will lose interest a lot easier when the procedures are mindless and reps they are taken through are endless. Becoming knowledgeable on guidance of the animal involves learning how to execute communication with it.

Your mental state at the point of conducting training is crucial as you look for ways of educating the horse. At every instance you show anger and become aggressive while making your fears together with your pains known, your duty as the leader is mislaid and regaining it will be hard. In the case of a mule, the position is lost forever. Be patient with the animal always.

Pay keen attention to every bit of reaction the horse will make. Even while you make efforts to be confident, treat the animal very delicately. They consider you to be in the herd. Once you learn to understand and appreciate them, you stand to get good outcomes when dealing with a herd mate. Show love to your horse and you will take a lot of pleasure in owning it.

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