
An Introduction To Fayum Art

By Marisol Guy

Fayum art is a term used to refer to portraits that were found in mummy burials. Numerous such portraits were found in Egypt in a place known as Faiyum so that the name was later on used to refer to this particular style. These pieces were made during the time when Romans reigned in Egypt and are regarded to be good examples of panel painting.

When Romans first occupied Egypt, Greeks started to live alongside with the Egyptians. As more Romans arrived and as intermarriages occurred, the beliefs and practices of both civilizations began merging. One of the results of these interracial interaction was the practice of painting images and then leaving it with the dead.

These portraits were placed on top of the mummies. Surprisingly enough, despite the hundreds of years that these pieces have been buried, they are still in good condition. The colors remained unchanged over time. Experts in the field think that this is largely due to the dry climate.

You can see the Roman influence in the appearance of the images. The portraits were painted in the style used by the Greeks. If one examines the subjects closely, one will observe that they are dressed fashionably in the style of the Romans. The practice of placing them with the mummies is reminiscent of beliefs in the afterlife, an Egyptian influence.

The subjects were not limited to certain demographics. One can find portraits with subjects ranging from children to adults. These images were typically painted on wood. A few of these portraits have been found on the linen wrappings itself. There were two main techniques that were used to create the images.

The encaustic technique is one such method. This technique involves the use of heated wax when mixing the pigments. The end product is durable and resistant to yellowing since no oil was used. The second technique is called the egg tempera technique. The yolk of an egg is mixed in with the paints to produce the needed colors.

Their value lies in the fact that they are one of the surviving works from antiquity. They provide clues on how these people looked and how they dressed. They are generally thought to be items of great value since only individuals belonging to the upper class could afford them. Experts theorize that this paintings were created after death.

To date, there are only around nine hundred pieces to have been found. Many of these are already being included in exhibits in a number of museums. Do not be surprised if there is little detail about these paintings as many have been excavated improperly. You will be able to find portraits of men and women in varying stages of their life.

The popularity of fayum art cannot compare to the fame of other ancient artifacts. However, though they may remain unknown to many, they are still important because of what they represent. They are one of the few artifacts that show the Egyptians and the Romans lived together. The realistic portrayal of the subjects provide a glimpse of what life was like back then.

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