
When Performing In Bharatanatyam Classes Los Angeles Dancers Learn Mystical Traditions

By Tameka Ware

When doing Bharatanatyam Classes Los Angeles locals will become acquainted with Indian philosophical beliefs. The popularity of many Indian writers, novels and films have led to an increased western interest in Indian culture and tradition. This dancing was used in ancient temples and those practicing it used spiritual concepts.

During performances, dancers will be able to wear the extraordinary outfits typical of the art. This is among the most exciting parts of the style. Traditional dress is rich, sensual and elegant. Ornate accessories are donned together with rich colored outfits of red, electric blue, yellow and gold. There are skirt and pyjama styles but both are based on silk sarees. Many see these as the most sensual forms of dress in the world.

Pleats are an important part of the culture because of the dramatic effects they create during postures. The sitting and half sitting positions show off the outfits best. They are all ornately jeweled and use head dress, bangles and bells as embellishments.

The movements were originally inspired by the ancient Puducherry temple's sculpture poses. Dancers used to perform inside the temple in groups. They had all dedicated their lives to worshiping the temple deity through dancing and music. Ritual was also an important part of the style.

During the Thirties, the dancers were called upon to perform for the elite classes. At this time, some of the elite learned the art form. Currently, it is practiced according to documentation created by four brothers famed for their contributions. It is the most popular kind of dancing in India.

More ancient styles have had their influence on the dancing movements but, as a complete art, it is one of the oldest in India. There was a renewal of interest in the 1990s when the elite began practicing the style. Today, there are no dances performed more often than this one.

The dances are meant as a method of devotion and worship that leads to discipline and bliss. Learning such a rich, disciplined classic art teaches dancers the true background of the form that modern dancing can't teach. It is believed by some that the way to understanding the essence of dancing is through more classic forms.

This dancing is seen as a fire dance, which means that it is believed to be a manifestation of the way fire connects with the body. Other forms use elements such as water, air and sky. The dancing movements are supposed to follow the movement of a flame. Some orthodox schools use the method as a way to meditate in similar ways to yoga.

The spirituality of the medium is in its celebration of beauty and infinity. It is made up of philosophy, emotion and actions that signify love and beauty. Both feminine and masculine aspects exist, and interact with one another in a similar way to Chinese yin and yang. The correct form is actually practiced without partners. When participating in Bharatanatyam classes Los Angeles residents will learn about the mystical traditions of an ancient world. It is a performance created as a direct tribute to the gods.

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