
UAW Enhancement – Plugin UAW!

UAW Enhancement – Plugin UAW!

Growing domains? Need fresh content for your sites? We have been asked by so many members to improve our Publishers tools and we've done just that from directly from within the UAW Control Panel!

Now you can quickly add sites into the Community, click the "Receive Articles" tab where you can now view your Publisher Dashboard!

Click on Receive Articles

Once selected, you will be taken to the enhanced publishers dashboard where you have information about your sites and their performance, statistics in addition to other metrics that matter such as blocked site requests…

When you have activated and verified your plugin(s), you will have the ability to view exactly what is happening for each of your sites. Simply select Plugin Publishing to view:

Select Plugin Publishing

If you already have properties that are registered with Plugin UAW, these will show up in your dashboard, it is recommended that you verify your properties so that you will receive the full benefits of Plugin UAW.

If you need a particular plugin, simply navigate to the Plugin UAW Menu item and you will be taken to the relevant download area:

Plugin UAW to download

Here you can receive fresh, relevant and unique content to your Publishing Properties from any of the following methods and supported CMS's such as Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal:

Plugin UAW page

For technology that is not currently supported, there are a couple ways by which you can receive content such as email or the UAW API. Here is the example of delivery to your Blogspot or email:

Email Publishing

Over the coming weeks you will continue to see many improvements for Plugin UAW which will further assist you in growing your domains or supplementing your fresh content needs and requirements!

Best Regards,

Team UAW

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