
Tips In Capturing Candid Photos Of Children

By Anne McKinney

Children photography is a lucrative project for studio photographers. If you're a photographer specializing in indoor photography or you have a photography studio and you want to expand your service, this particular field should not be ignored. However, taking kids' pictures is totally different from taking photos of adults simply because children are different from adults. By keeping in mind certain aspects of children, capturing their photos becomes much easier.

Of course, grown-ups can be moody too. However, if an adult visits your studio, you know he or she wants to be there. Kids, however, are often brought in by their parents. Even if the child seems happy and friendly when they arrive at your studio, his or her mood can change quite easily. Before anything else, interact with him or her and try to put the child at ease. This way the child can be more responsive to directions. If, however you suspect that the child's mood won't change, re-schedule the session. As a professional photographer, you must be sensitive to how the child is feeling at that moment.

A child's world revolves around playing. Any child would rather play than do scripted poses in front of a camera. While asking the child to pose like in regular family photography is all well and good, a better idea would be to keep the session spontaneous. You can capture interesting photos of the child by having toys and other props available for children to play with. Have a bunch of colorful stuffed animals, balls or stuffed toys of popular children's characters strewn around your studio even before your client arrives.

Another thing you'll want to consider is keeping the photo session shorter than most other sessions. Since kids switch moods faster than adults, you might find a smiling, pleasant child one moment and a screaming, crying subject the next. If you can capture the smiling and agreeable child in your photographs early on, you won't need to keep the session running for too long.

Also, it is best for you to have fun when capturing pictures of children. Some expert photographers lose their sense of enjoyment when they take their job too seriously. Try to think like the child and photograph them in that light and you'll find you are taking great photos of them as well as enjoying yourself at the same time.

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