
Technicalities Of Photography: The Subject & The Photographer

By Cindy Moss

Have you ever wondered how you can possibly create a beautiful image? One step is to understand the technicalities related to photography. Another is to know the meaning of the jargons to make sense of the language which people in this field speak of. Bear in mind though that apart from all of those, the resulting stunning picture still has more to do with the skill, talent and eye of a good photographer than with anything else.

A camera is just an apparatus used to take photos. This thing with a lightproof box and light-sensitive film comes in a variety of models. There's the relatively cheaper point and shoot one generally recommended for beginners. And then there are the higher-end models like the single reflex camera for more advanced users. They come with different prices, functions and features. It does not mean though that less expensive models with fewer functions and features automatically produce not so aesthetically pleasing images. In the same light, costly feature-packed cameras do not necessarily make one a pro. What actually matters is what the person using this camera has in him or her.

Then there's the lens. This light-gathering device built on a camera is made of either glass or other transparent material. The skilled photographer looks through his or her lens with the purpose of showing the viewers the beauty that he or she sees. It definitely takes a photographer's eyes to find an interesting side to anything and everything then focus on that.

Furthermore, you'd come across the concept of image resolution. The higher, the better as they say. Still, even the highest resolution can only do as much if your work lacks in character. If that's the case, no matter how sharp the details are, it'll nevertheless be evident that there is something missing.

Acknowledging the truth in the aforesaid helps a person to improve the way he or she takes photographs. The technical aspects are undeniably vital in the process of mastering the art of taking good photographs. Nonetheless, the greatest influence in the final outcome still lies on the photographer's talent and skills. A high-end camera, the costliest lens and the highest resolution can considerably affect the quality of the photograph to say the least but its real beauty can only result from the expertise of the person who uses the tools to achieve a visually appealing image of anything.

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