
Some Ideas For Novel 1st Wedding Anniversary Gifts

By Lenore Bolton

Even the most cursory internet search will reveal that the traditional 1st wedding anniversary gifts should be in the form of paper. This may seem to be a little bit restricting to some people, but with some imagination paper can become extremely alluring. There are lots of things that paper can do and those looking for the perfect gift for their very first year together need not be restricted in any way.

Money is most certainly an option when thinking about a present made from paper. Some people will say that such a present shows no romance or creativity. The truth is, however, that so many people receive gifts that they simply cannot use or that they do not really like. Giving money is giving a choice. Money can, of course, also be given in the form of vouchers.

Few things can be as romantic as a folder with air tickets and a reservation at a romantic destination. It may be a place that holds particular memories, such as the resort where the honeymoon was spent. Even a cabin at a resort close to home can be special if care is taken to create an intimate and romantic getaway. The idea is to spend some time alone together.

Tickets are also an excellent idea. Everybody has desires to attend certain events, to see certain places or even do perform certain acts that they never get round to. A ticket to bungee jump, or to see a favorite show or even to attend a concert can be the ideal gift and will be remembered for a long time. Such a gift tells the receiver that his or her preferences are known to their spouses.

Presents do not have to be expensive in order to be romantic and thoughtful. If money is scarce, a personal favor booklet will tell a loved one that he or she is cherished and appreciated. Such a booklet can easily be handmade. Each page contains a simple pledge that can be cashed in at any time. The pledges may range from offering to provide a foot massage to promising a home cooked dinner on demand.

Books are also affordable presents and with some research it is certainly possible to choose a book that will become a treasured possession. Some people will be very happy to receive a book written by a favorite author, others will appreciate a practical book and yet others find peace and personal growth in books that are positive and uplifting. A book as a present can be very special, especially if it is inscribed with a loving message.

There are numerous other presents that partners can give each other and that is made of paper. A handwritten poem on handmade paper and framed prettily can be extremely personal and romantic. The same can be said for an intimate love letter. A declaration of everlasting love in a local newspaper can serve to tell the world how much somebody is loved and appreciated.

Finding ideas for 1st wedding anniversary gifts is not difficult. The availability and affordability of paper allows anybody, even those that are severely cash strapped to give a present that will show love and care. Celebrating a marriage one year down the line should be a joyous occasion. Using a paper present to make it so requires nothing but creativity.

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