
It Is Important To Learn Shakespeare For Students

By Marcy Becker

In most schools around the country, there are grade curriculum plans in place that dictate what needs to be covered and taught to students throughout the course of the year. These are in place to help ensure that everything applicable is being assigned as well as to make sure children are being exposed to new ideas and subjects, such as Shakespeare for students. All of the major subjects, including science, math, and English have required subject matter that must be covered with schoolchildren in a logical and concise order before the year ends.

For reading, writing, and English classes, there are usually a set of books or stories which are required to be read. Often these pieces are classics of literature and are meant to apply to certain age levels based on the subject matter in the text. Basing readings on age and maturity level, along with the issues that age group is facing, is often how these required texts are assigned.

Many of the books or short stories are assigned and discussed in the classroom, however, some may be provided in between grade levels during the summer for independent reading. There are some books which are seen as absolutely essential reading and are assigned to students of the same age or grade level across the country. These are often classic pieces of literature which have been written by extremely influential authors.

Probably the most well known and assigned readings are those written by William Shakespeare. His works are the ultimate in classic literature and have proven to be favorites of readers even centuries after their original creation. His plays and stories are as interesting and applicable today as they were when he wrote them, which is why they are required for student from junior high school all the way up through college.

Just a few of his most well known and reviewed pieces are Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, King Lear, and Macbeth. These are, however, just a slight few of the many works the write created in his industrious lifetime. All of his writings are influential and applicable today because their subject matter is universal and often part of human nature, no matter the time period in which it was first written.

The base themes for many of his works are those which humans will experience forever, including greed, love, life, and death. People both suffer from and delight in these things today as they did hundreds of years ago. The value of the works lies not only in the subject matter itself, but also in how the writer created the stories and painted a picture with mere words.

Most of the author's plays detail strong subject matter that is inherent to the human condition. Examples of this include racism, abuse of power, and treatment of different social classes. Students are often required to read his pieces because the subjects are as applicable today as they were hundreds of years ago and they are written in a unique and beautiful way that no longer exists in popular culture today.

Shakespeare for students and subject matter relation is often why many schools require the reading of Shakespeare's works. Additionally, the huge affect of the writer's works on the English language as a whole necessitates that people familiarize themselves with his works. His style, ideas, and wording are all things that have greatly shaped language and literature in the west and these contributions cannot be forgotten.

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