
Getting Know The Life And The Career Of Richard Overton

By Priscilla Sims

One of the most important names produced by the entertainment industry would be Richard Overton. This is a guy whose accomplishments of being a good actor and a comedian has been widely recognized. He is know too, for his ability in screen play writing.

Rick, as he was known, was born on August tenth. The year was 1954. He was born in Queens, in New York to Nancy and Hall, his parents. He inherited his appreciation of entertainment from them both, His mother was a singer and his father was a music arranger and an accomplished teacher.

However, he did not spent much of his childhood in the place where he was born. Instead, he got to spend much of his younger days in a part of New Jersey. He stayed in Englewood for the most part of his childhood days, he even attended the Dwight Morrow High School which was situated in the area.

It was in 182 that Rick made his first on screen appearance. At the time, there was a movie which was being produced that is aimed towards spoofing the popularity of medical shows that are being aired on tv. This movie was title 'Young Doctors In Love', which Rick was part of the cast.

Another movie that Richard Overton became a part of is the sequel to the 'Airplane'. This movie is also a comedy themed one. The director who took the production of this flick in the helm then was Ken Finkleman. Film credits also show that it was Finkleman who wrote it as well.

During the nineteen eighty years, several tv shows and movies have featured Rick as part of their ensemble. Among these would include such flicks as 'Modern Girls', 'Beverly Hills Cop', 'Million Dollar Mystery', 'Odd Jobs', and 'Blind Fury'. In fact, he was seen in about seven tv shows and thirteen films in the eighties alone.

During the nineties, Rick was given his very own television show. However, 'The Edge' had to stop running after a year. In addition, he landed a guest role for two episodes of popular show 'Sienfeld'. He was also able to land a role in Robin Williams' flick at the time, which was 'Mrs. Doubtfire.

It can be noted that the career which Richard Overton has been able to establish spans several decades. He even garnered an Emmy for an episode of the Dennis Miller Live which he did on 1997. His most recent work would be in 'Bad Teacher' in 2011.

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