
General Skills For Writing Comedy Play Scripts

By Dianne Crane

You have been told that you are funny and everybody around you thinks you are next big thing. When you read comedy play scripts you think you can do better than those writers. Writing comedy is not a piece of cake. There are several things you need to understand before you become a joke instead of making people laugh.

It is not easy as you may believe. Compared to other forms of art works like prose or novels, a script is a special and unique piece. It can be compared to the architectural plan of constructors which is the tool that guides all the experts involved in erecting a structure. A script is an inspirational work that has to be crafted with a lot of care. It should be able to stand alone whether you are writing for production or not.

There are rules and conventions that must be adhered to if you want to your piece to be attractive to producers. Some of these rules are just annoying while others may seem stupid to follow. If you want to have your piece read, you should try and follow as many of these conventions as possible. Editors, producers or readers tend to throw away most scripts that have the wrong formats and styles.

Professionals throw away writing pieces that do not conform as a way to separate amateurs from the real professionals. Do not show your inabilities by writing in a mediocre way. Have all the rules at your finger tips first before deciding to alter them.

Work out what your script is going to be about. This is your business to figure out how events and plots will flow. Follow the traditional three act structure of creating plots. Have a beginning, the middle and the end. Focus on a central character and create a conflict around what the hero says, where he goes and who he meets.

Create the main purpose of the story and surround it with sub conflicts and plots. Give your characters enough motivation to react and act out concepts. Carefully build suspense and surprise that are not obvious. Without the element of suspense, the play appears boring and very flat. Do not be too predictable because some scripts give too much right from the title. Keep growing and improving your discoveries by taking the reader to a higher level in every plot.

Tell your truths laughingly through words or characters. Be the first person to laugh when you read your script. If you do not find it amusing, chances are that somebody else might not find it any better. Humour should be used to develop plots or enhance characters. Avoid using jokes for the sake of it.

Comedy play scripts are all different although there are some elements shared commonly. Some delve on slapstick where the characters exaggerate almost everything from the costumes to reactions. You have to be creative on how you present humour so that you can keep the reader glued to your work.

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