
Find Out More About Managing Frustration

By Kari Ratliff

The dictionary uses several words to describe frustration, including obstruction, prevention or a hindrance in achieving a task or an objective. It can be fairly obvious to you and anyone observing that you are frustrated because someone, or something is not responding as you want it to. You have the choice to let the negative aspects overwhelm you, or to turn it into a positive and find other ways to achieve your task or goal.

If you watched the 2012 Para-Olympic games, try to imagine some of the physical and emotional challenges facing the athletes. To succeed and prepare for the games, participants had to turn the numerous obstacles they faced into positive outcomes. They clearly demonstrated that with the right frame of mind and a determination to overcome all the obstacles in their path, they could achieve their goals.

You may be mildly frustrated and feel annoyed about something. Alternatively, at the other end of the scale minor annoyances can build up and cause you to become angry and sometimes the reaction far outweighs the response. Rather than letting your feelings build up until you lose control, it can be more beneficial to find another resolution for the problem.

Often a child will cry or have a tantrum because they cannot get what they want. If parents give in to tantrums, the child quickly learns that they can get what they want by behaving in this manner. It becomes a tool that they can use whenever they feel frustrated. However, the child who stops and takes time to work out how to overcome an obstacle can learn from the experience. It can be a interesting and informative exercise to examine how you deal with obstacles in your daily life.

Some individuals become frustrated about the least important things in their day. Missing the bus to work will make you late, but for most, it is not a major catastrophe. It should be no more than a very minor annoyance that is quickly overcome. If you become frustrated and dwell on it, the rest of your day can be affected because you missed the bus.

The obvious solution in the event of a broken alarm clock would be to purchase a new one, or arrange for a friend to give you a wake-up call. Until you do that, you are likely to experience the same negative reactions every day. It can also affect the quality of your sleep, because you may be waking every so often to check the time.

When some individuals are frustrated they find that an outpouring of verbal expletives or a violent act helps to relieve the tensions they are feeling. They may feel better for a moment or two, but they have not found a way to banish or overcome the obstacle. The emotional reaction returns just a little bit stronger each time they meet the same obstacle. It is necessary to stand back and review how you tackle an obstacle to move forward to your goal.

Frustration can chip away at your self-confidence if you try to ignore it. Finding a way to overcome an obstacle or something that is preventing you from reaching your goal is the best way forward. Sometimes you need to take a deep breath, or a step back to find another approach to get you over the hurdle.

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