
Discovering The Music Of Matt Dodge

By Coleen Cote

If you are looking for a new group or artist to listen to there are many musical acts from which to choose from. One such musical artist is Matt Dodge who has been playing for a while now. With his exciting new music he is creating, he has a lot to offer you with his extensive library of tracks which will be sure to pique your interest.

Playing with his group around the area of Twin Cities which is based in Minneapolis, this artist began with a simple garage band. He himself is the lead singer whilst the rest of his group who are called The Lobsters, comprise the other band members. Although he has maintained his position at the front of the band, a lot of the other members have alternated and changed through the years.

With a fairly laid-back approach, their genre of music is in the power-pop and rock area as they play using guitars along with a more traditional band set-up. At first this could sound like a more traditional approach as well, but you should find that their music is original as there are many different influences from their big line-up they have. As there are a lot of group members they can all offer something creatively.

There are plenty of musical acts on the market currently and you may find that many of them can potentially sound the same. This specific group and artist is able to provide you with something a lot different though. All of their different songs can apply to whatever mood you might be in as there is a large number of them being offered.

Taking their inspiration from a vast range of different contemporaries from both the past along with the present, they can also make music for themselves. Sounding similar to them are bands like Nick Jonas and The Administration with their similar style. Finding a sound all of their own though they have been able to produce their own original voice.

When you go to a gig of his you will find that when he plays with his band they offer live performance pieces that use mascots who dance around all dressed up to music. The past has seen them create albums such as Lobsters, which was one of the ones to first compile all of their songs together. They feel that a live experience helps to compliment their music further.

They pride themselves not just on the music that they produce, but also the media as well which will allow them to become a more legitimate enterprise. Offering both videos and live-shows they have an output that is large which can be offered to listeners. Using communications and social-media they have also constructed themselves a large online presence.

When you have taken all this into consideration you should find that this specific group and artist are able to provide their listeners a lot. For those listeners hoping to find some newer music they should be able to find a lot through listening to Matt Dodge and his band. After you have learned more about them, you could then attend their live shows and successfully enjoy their music too.

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