
Anna Hazare Biography Facts And Information

By Tameka Ware

The Anna Hazare biography is very interesting as he is probably one of the most acclaimed social activists in India. He was born on January 15, 1940 in the Village of Binghar. He came from a family of unskilled laborers. His given name was Kisan Bapat Baburao Hazare. His parents names were Baburao Hazare and Laxmi Bai. He has remained a bachelor throughout his life with no possessions and no money in the bank. He lives in a temple and has lived his life dedicated to improving society.

In 1963 he joined the army of India where he started off driving. Throughout his career he was stationed in various places that had extreme climates. He retired voluntarily after 15 years of service and left with the rank of sepoy. He was given several awards or medals including the Nine Years long service medal, the Sainya Seva Medal, the Sangram Medal, the twenty fifth Independent Anniversary Medal and also the Paschimi Star.

One of his most important causes was to help in the development of rural villages within India. Some of the areas suffered from extreme drought and food shortages. His efforts were focused on showing the villagers methods to conserve water and also ways to irrigate the lands. Areas that were stricken with poverty became self sufficient and were turned into model villages which all villages strive to imitate. His work in turning these barren village around brought about the fact that is why India awarded him the Padma Bhushan award, one of the highest in Indian government.

His efforts to help villagers also resulted in the development of a grain bank. Rich farmers could donate grain and the poorer farmers could borrow when needed. This insured that farmers would always have a place to get food in times of food shortage or drought.

The writing of Swami Vivekananda were very important to Anna and influenced his life. There was a time when he questioned his existence and contemplated suicide. A book written by the Swami gave him a direction to life.

Fasting was one way that he was able to convince the government do make changes. He was able to get the Maharashtra RTI Act signed. In 2006 food abstinence also was influential in getting the government to do away with amendments to the RTI Act.

Hazare uncovered things within the government structure that were criminal and corrupt. He believed that these issues held back the development of the country. He convinced the government to do something again by participating in food abstinence. He also returned the Vriksha Mitra Award and the Padmashree Award to bring attention to his cause. Six ministers offered their resignation along with 400 officials losing their jobs as a result.

The Anna Hazare biography has covered over forty years. His life path started in the army of India and has resulted in him being a crusader of social changes. His efforts have shown villagers how they can control the outcome of their lives by turning knowledge and hard work into good things. Throughout his career he has chosen to use non violent methods to aid the citizens of India.

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