
Your UAW Author Profiles have been upgraded!

Your UAW Author Profiles have been upgraded!

Hi brucelee,

As you are already familiar with the UAW Author Profile Management tool, the next time you login to the Wizard, don't miss your opportunity to check out your enhanced Author Profiles

Improvements include:

  • Image/Avatar Upload - provides a visual for your author's persona

  • Social Profiles - some key social accounts that your author may already have

  • Niche's - the niches that your author focuses on writing content about

  • Bio - ability to update a bio of your author

UAW is on track to release improvements that involve your Author Profiles, proven solutions that will enhance your content marketing projects. I strongly recommend that you update your profiles as soon as possible...

Social signals matter for Rankings, Trust & Authority not to mention that the traffic generated from Social Engagement is a great way to help you diversify away from perhaps an over dependency upon Giggles ;)

UAW will be breathing life into your author profiles, accelerating your content marketing in ways only a wizard could - it works like magic!

Best Regards,

Jason & Team UAW

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