
What Are the Uses of A CYC Wall

By Allan Hatchell

A CYC wall is a background screen that is widely used in theater and photography. By using this background and controlling illumination, various effects can be achieved. Some use patterns and colors to produce aesthetically appealing backgrounds. Others use various lighting positions to get a background that appears endless.

In photography, these are curving backdrops usually painted white to create no background. Green screen CYC are used to project illusions or masks in the background. The construction of a cyclorama involves building walls that have no right angles, only curves. Wood, steel, and fiber glass cam be used to create this sets.

A simple construction will mean first choosing what size the structure should be. Plywood is then attached to the walls and the floor using construction adhesive. These are secured with drywall screws. Then curved plywood triangles are created to fill in the curved area of the backdrop.

Then mesh lath is added to the curved area and then two layers of fiberglass are then applied. Four layers of drywall compound comes next, where each layer is sanded and allowed to dry before the next application. Finally, a primer and white paint is used to complete the backdrop.

Green screen CYCs also use a similar design. The paint however will be green and a specific type is needed to make sure that its reflective properties are compatible for use. Paint is essential in making the subject look natural against the background. Considerations for space should also be factored in since the dimensions determine the amount of motion that can occur. Lighting should also be even to maximize effects.

Because of the wide range of effects it can produce, it is used in many industrial applications. Fashion photography often uses this technique to play around with the elements of a photo. Television and movies also utilize cycloramas for special effects. Car and custom photography also utilize studio CYC to create images.

When using a cyclorama, there should be no other sources of illumination other than your own. The location should not have any windows that can allow sunlight to filter in. The subject and other photographic equipment should then be placed in their designated positions.

Then, you can experiment with various lighting angles and control the amount of light to get the backdrop effect you desire. You can practice the infinity effect or highlight your model using a dark background. Additionally, you can highlight an element by using your CYC wall to produce gradients.

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