
Wedding Photography - Organizational Tips For The Wedding Photographer

By Anna Riedel

A wedding day is probably the most memorable day of anyone's life. As a wedding photographer, the job of capturing someones most important day in their life should be taken very seriously. The bride and groom have most likely been planning their special day for quite some time, if not weeks, months and possibly even longer. You want to show your clients that you are just as serious about their wedding as they are. You can do this by being very organized to show your professionalism. You should plan out your clients photo shoots well in advance for a couple of reasons, one to help keep you organized, and two to let your clients now that you are serious and organized. Read on for more tips on organizing your own wedding photo shoots.

It is likely that the Bride and Groom will seek out your services months ahead of time. This can be anywhere from a few months to over a year. This is the initial contact with your clients and this is when you should meet in person to discuss their wedding photography needs. At this time you can show them your portfolio, and discuss any promotional packages you have at that time. You may also want to discuss rates, and the type of products you offer.

At this time, you should provide a contract and have your clients sign it. You will also want to collect a 50% retainer which will reserve their special day with you. Once you have a signed contract and deposit, it's wise to discuss the details of the event, like location, number of attendees, how many family photos are expected. You will also want to discuss the timing of the event in relation to photographs being taken to give your clients some realistic expectations.

After the contract has been signed, and a deposit has been collected, you will want to keep in touch with your clients. About a month before their special day, contact your clients and make sure all of the information they previously provided is correct. Also, now would be a good time to remind them about what they can realistically expect as previously discussed. A week before the wedding you will want to contact them again to make sure that all of the plans still exist and no last minute changes have been made.

On your end, you will want to make sure that all of your equipment is ready to go, and working properly. Make sure that you charge all of your camera, flashes, and extra batteries that you may use. Also be sure to clean all of your lenses thoroughly, and pack all of your gear so that you are organized ahead of time. You will want to get a good night's rest since you will be busy all day, and may not have time to take any breaks.

Follow the timeline your clients gave you, and even prepare your own timeline and include all of the photos and shots that your clients expected you to take. Bring your own timeline to the event to keep you on schedule. Having your own schedule will help to prepare you ahead of time, and will also help to ease any discomforts the couple has about getting every shot on their special day. Now that you know the basics of being a wedding photographer from the initial contact, to signing the contract to creating a timeline, create your own checklist that you can use for all future weddings that you shoot.

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