
Understanding Why Creationism And Evolution Coexist In A Turbulent World

By Alexandra Anderson

When you know that creationism and evolution coexist peacefully in a turbulent world there is an elemental shift in the ideas that contribute to how all life began. This does not excite everyone. Some people, though, are thrilled with the idea. Each side of the argument can find a way to allow the beliefs of others to simply be the beliefs of others.

One of the main reasons that coexisting is so important is to encourage free thinking in the classroom. Supporters of one side generally are not OK with the ideas from the other side coming through in educational settings. Yet, teaching children that some people believe in creation and others believe in evolution allows them to see that opposing ideas do not have the threaten the distribution of knowledge. There are those that believe that neither version is correct, and allowing that thought in the classroom seems to be even scarier to the general public.

It is hard to explain to kids why people become so passionately adamant about their side of the issue. When you go at the argument with too much enthusiasm that amount of passion does not improve the odds of being heard. Generally speaking it has the opposite effect.

Scientific evidence does not always lead to complete answers, especially when you are digging around in the very distant past. What it does do is lead to theories and ideas that can actually enrich the search for truth. By entertaining thoughts and ideas that are vastly different from your own you can literally expand the capacity for new thought.

Scientific evidence can be used to support theories. It can also be used as guideposts for pointing research in the right direction. Using evidence to support theories is a tricky thing to do and still be open minded. You cannot always get absolute answers from the past. When digging into a very distant past the idea that you might not be finding crucial evidence that would change the theory is one that needs to be considered. Open discovery without an investment in the result is the path to truth.

In the big picture there are arguments for almost every theory that can be conjured up. There is evidence, for those who wish to see it, that the planet was populated by other life forms in another plane of space. The power of belief is very strong, especially when you are defending other principles as well. Because each principle is a reflection of religious beliefs there are many who feel denying the their belief is denying God.

Just because you do not see eye to eye with another on this particular concept does not mean that there is religious undertone involved. Many people support the idea that evolution itself is a gift from God. Being created in His image is not necessarily disputed by evolution, either.

When creationism and evolution coexist there is a marked difference in the ability to debate thoughts and ideas that make up the world. There is creative expression and a willingness to look beyond the most accepted ideas and see what might be on the other side. Of course, there is also hope for peace.

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