
The Anna Hazare Biography Unveils His Love Of India And Its People

By Sharlene Fleming

A reading of Anna Hazare biography will reveal his dedication to reform began in the 1970s. A substantial history of improving lives and livelihoods precedes national prominence as a corruption fighter. The demands for the Jan Lokpal bill and other measures are a consistent reflection of a commitment to systemic improvements.

He is a humble person with no personal ambition. In Maharashtra, he has lived in Ralegan Siddhi village since 1975. His residence is a small attached room to the Sant Yadavbaba temple restored with his pension money. His brothers use the small 0.07 hectare plot of family land in Ralegan Siddhi. Two other pieces of land donated by a villager and the army to him have been donated in turn by him to villagers.

Yet, there burns in him a desire to make life meaningful. This desire came upon him after a 2d near death escape during his service in the army. They made him believe thinking there was a reason his life was spared.

He spent his spare time reading the works of Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and Vinoba Bhave. After honourable discharge in 1975 after completion of 12 years of service, the future anti-corruption fighter returned home village. The plight of this village was another formative environment.

On his return, pension money was first used to restore the local temple. Villagers including youths became involved in providing their labor to the restoration effort. This inspired him to use the force of youth towards another purpose. A youth group organized thereafter became involved in a program to eradicate alcoholism. It was the first of their many efforts to come.

This successful battle put an end to liquor brewers and their addicted clientele. The fight was subsequently expanded to the state level. The imposition of a state ban that would impose prohibition in villages if requested by a quarter of the female residents was demanded. In 2009, a law on this order, which amended Bombay Prohibition Act was passed under public pressure. Banning sale of tobacco became another program.

To put an end to hunger a grain bank was established in the temple in 1980. Other efforts to improve life and reduce burdens were implemented. These spread news of his achievements beyond village confines. The actions included a substantial program to assist regions suffering from water shortage. Over seventy villages were aided by this attention. Other efforts included introduction of collective marriage celebrations to lower financial burden on families, banning untouchability, and supporting education. A pre school and a high school were established in 1976 and 1979, respectively. Literacy efforts were also boosted.

A major political campaign brought more power to Gram Sabhas. A dedicated campaign supported an amendment to the law to give villagers greater say in development. Subsequently, it became mandatory that the Gram Sabha be consulted for spending on development projects. A continuation of this is his August 2012 call for elected representatives at national level to be subject to Gram Sabhas. A belief in the power of the people is a consistent commitment. An anti corruption fight begun in 1991 at home was the germination of a larger battle. The national campaign is a crystallization of years of activity. One should also not forget the enactment of the Right to Information Act in Maharashtra that later established a foundation for the Right to Information Act passed by the Union Government in 2005. A life lived to benefit the mass is a consistent feature of the Anna Hazare biography.

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