
Planning the Dreaded Office Christmas Party

By Danny O'hara

Office Christmas parties are important because they help the workers bond and they allow them to get to know their clients, associates and potential clients as well. There are a lot of different kinds of events that can be planned at this time of year such as small affairs or large scale events with a sit down dinner. The kind of affair that is put on is usually determined by budget, the size of the company and other factors.

Many companies plan their holiday event as a means to thank their employees for their service throughout the year. It's likely that they will invite the workers' families and allow single workers to invite a guest. A lot of times the company will have a buffet or sit down dinner complete with alcoholic beverages and desserts.

At times companies use these events as a way to network with clients and as a means to draw in new clients or to reward their faithful clients. They might invite their customers to an event with drinks, foods and entertainment or dancing. They will likely use this event to help promote a service or product.

Organizing these types of events can often be overwhelming and may seem like a full time job for one of the employees or might require the help of a team of workers. One of the best ways to plan these events is to plan for it well in advance. It can take up to several months to plan a large scale event such as this.

Deciding on the budget and the number of guests are crucial first steps in planning. These decision will help to determine the size and style of venue that will be needed. It will also help to determine the type of foods that will be served and the kinds of activities that will be done at the event.

A business who wants to host a quiet affair for their employees and their spouses might decide to have the party at their office. They may ask the employees to bring some type of dessert for an exchange or an item for a potluck or they could have a caterer. They could also decide to treat the whole office out to dinner or to a restaurant or they might want to visit a local theme park, museum or other site.

A company may want a larger affair for their workers, their clients, potential customers, associates and different vendors and they may want to reserve a room for a meal or buffet. They may include a time of entertainments, dancing, awards and other entertainment. This kind of event might need the experience of a professional party planner, a professional photographer or a caterer.

There are a lot of types of office Christmas parities and organizing and planning the best kind can be fun, but can seem overwhelming too. Deciding on a guest list and a budget is the first steps that need to be completed before being able to decide on a venue, activities and a menu. Small scale parties may be hosted at the business while bigger parties are usually held at ballrooms and hotels and other types of venues.

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