
Photography Tips - Using Natural Lighting


Whether you are an amateur or season professional photographer, it's always good to learn new tricks to add to your repertoire. You may have noticed that some photographers capture their most brilliant photos using nature's natural lighting. There are two magical times of the day where nature's lighting is best to capture some outstanding photos. A lot of times photographers will capture their best photos using nature's light during these time frames.

The lighting of your photograph will obviously depend on the emotion of the photo you are trying to capture. If you are trying to capture the emotion of a frail and delicate flower, you will most likely want to use a natural day light that is soft. On the other hand if you want the flower to look dark and twisted, then the lighting you choose will be much different in order to make the flower look harsh.

If you want to bring out a lighter airy feel to your photographs, then you might want to take advantage of the two time periods during the day in which mother nature provides excellent lighting for photographs. The first time period for great lighting happens in the first magical hour after sunrise. The second great time for natural lighting occurs around sunset, the half hour before and half hour after the sun sets.

There are many reasons why these two times of day provide the best lighting to capture the most amazing photographs. Three of the reasons are because of color, quality and the direction provided by the natural lighting provided by sunrise and sunset.

First the color of the images will be soft and saturated, this is because at these times, there is much less white light than during other times of the day. The quality of the images taken during these times is improved because the lighting produces tonal transitions and soft shadows. The direction of the lighting will put an emphasis on shapes and textures.

One of the best times to take photographs is during the sun set. This is because the most intense display of colors occurs naturally during the 20 minutes before and after sunset. Sunrise and sunset produce different effects with lighting and at sunset the clouds will be illuminated brightening the sky. In essence the direction of the lighting has changed. During this time you can take advantage of the sky by using it as a backdrop to your photographs.

In many photography situations lighting is often used, whether it be man made, or natural. Nature provides us with some of the best lighting to produce some of the most amazing photographs. Now that you know about natural lighting you can practice using natures light and the sky as your backdrop.

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