
How To Do Ideal Pastels Art

By Leslie Mitchell

Arts have existed in the world history since time immemorial. Pastels art is a drawing that makes use of pigment sticks which after thorough grinding, are mixed with chalk and oil. What makes these drawings unique from ordinary paints is that they are not usually mixed on a palette; they are rather mixed on paper by overlaying. Doing great pastel arts is a process which needs good talents and innovative whether natural or made through constant practice.

The paintings are supposed to be fixed to avoid smudging. Fixing is excellent when resins that dissolve in spirits are used. The logic behind this is that, after the application of the resin, the spirit does evaporate ensuring that the pigment remains stable. The application ought to be done by an atomizer and not just painting on. The place should have free air circulation.

A smooth brush is ideal to blend colors and ensure that a lot of dust produced is wiped away. The dust should not be blown away literally as it might get into the lungs and cause respiratory problems. The lifting of paintings should be carried out using a rubber well shaped into point with the fingers.

The surface of applying the drawing should be such that it allows the color application to be done more heavily. More textured pastel board should be used rather than the paper in order to be successful. Water color or cartridge may also be used for the painting. A drawing paper is ideal to avoid extra expenses during preparatory studies.

There are hundreds of colors available for painting. The choice of hue should be guided by the purpose of drawing. It is important to use very ideal colors and possibly keep their number minimal since so much use of them may interfere with the image and completely distort the meaning.

People perceive colors differently; the message different colors convey are also varied. The hue of painting should be recognized clearly. The drawing should also be kept very clean to avoid smear of other colors. Dark colors should also be kept clean.

The artists should address certain safety matters when doing the pastel at any level. Firstly, they should wear gloves that are disposable and easy to clean. It is important to note that the pigments are able to get into the bloodstream through the skin, and this is dangerous for health.

Where the pastels are done on an almost regular basis, air filters should be used in the working area. It is also advisable to apply the fixatives outside where there is proper ventilation. The life of the artist is very crucial and so these measures should be well taken.

Pastels art is an area that calls for proper investment by from both the real and potential artists. It is an area with much more to offer in terms of great products that are eye catching. The aesthetic quality of these products can be achieved when the guidelines are observed. The health issues should be of great consideration while delivering ideal products.

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