
Exclusive Release for UAW Members Only

Hello brucelee,

Have you heard the saying “Content is King”? Content drives the web… it creates engagement and most importantly - content drives traffic to your website!!!

UAW is about to amp this up and it's ONLY for UAW Members…

The UAW Content Concierge has been a great success and your feedback has been absolutely fantastic! Keep your feedback coming because… when we reviewed your feedback, many of you asked if your UAW Professional Writers can also create original content exclusive for your blogs and websites. Content that isn't used for syndication… if that's what you want, then that's what you get!

Now not only can you order UAW Article Sets from within your control panel… you can now also order Standard Original Articles, download them and post them to your blog or website of choice They are yours to do with as you please!

Q: “Why don’t we just use a UAW Article Set and get a unique version then post it to our site?”
A: You can and we recommend it!

Q: “How is this different from the UAW Free Content plugin?”
A: The UAW Free Content Plugin is designed for members who want to receive free content in exchange for giving the authors credit for the content by including their Resource Boxes. Standard Articles are not written for syndication purposes, a single title and no resource boxes, so you can quickly add fresh content to your website without the need to include any author resource boxes or credit to other authors.

Q: “Does this mean that we don't need the free content plugin?”
A: Only if you want to pay for every article that is written for you - this service is not meant to replace the free plugin, this is an additional service providing UAW members with the option of receiving content that is written only for their use.

Who knows what comes next… maybe a super sweet Author Profile update that will rock your rankings through social marketing signals ;)


Best Regards,

Jason Arnold

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