
What You Should Know About Horse Treats

By Kerri Turner

If you are new to the world of horse ownership, you may be wondering what snacks make good horse treats. It is a good idea to know what is appropriate for this large animal before you just feed it anything that you want. Many people get ideas from fictional television shows and these ideas are not always the best.

One of the most popular treats shown on television is sugar cubes. Under no circumstances should you feed these majestic animals sugar. It is bad for their teeth and not healthy for their digestive systems. Like people, they will eat as many sugar cubes and sugary snacks as they are given, but it is not good for their weight.

One of the most popular snacks given to these animals are apples and carrots. Apples should be cut into quarters before being fed and the carrots should be chopped or broken into no larger than two inch pieces. These snacks have a lot of water in them so they should be limited. If too many are given the animal may have problematic bowel movements.

One fruit that is like candy to a horse is the banana. It offers our majestic friend the same health benefits that humans gain by eating one, including the boost of energy and the added potassium. The equine enjoys the whole banana, skin and all so peeling is unnecessary. You may wish to cut it into chunks depending on how big of a banana it is.

You can feed your animal nearly any type of fresh produce. That which is organic is recommended. Another fruit that is very much enjoyed especially during hot summer months is a watermelon. The horse will enjoy the whole thing, including the rind. Serve it to him in long, thin strips to help prevent it from becoming lodged in his back molars. You may even find that your animal enjoys a meal of grapes, blueberries, strawberries and cherries with the pits removed, all mixed in with his oats. Without oats, this fruit salad will make a refreshing treat for the animal.

Green vegetables and leafy vegetables are also enjoyed by this animal. He will enjoy nibbling on green beans, the tops of beets, peas in their pod, celery and even lettuce. If feeding him celery, use some caution and remove much of the string from the strands prior to feeding him. These can cause the animal some digestive discomfort. If the animal typically has a sweet tooth, it may take a while but you will be able to convince him to eat his vegetables.

Be sure that any fruits or vegetables do not contain any pesticides or fungicides. If there is a chance that they do, soak them in vinegar and rinse them in water before serving. If the produce is turning bad, do not feed it to the animal. They are very sensitive to bacteria and molds. These two things can be deadly to a horse.

Healthy horse treats are known to be as much of a benefit to the animal as healthy snacks are to their human owners. Snack time is the ideal opportunity for you to bond with your animal. It will also ensure a boost of energy along with vitamins and antioxidants.

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