
The Benefits Of A Pro Tools Certification Los Angeles

By Kerri Turner

May people have a passion for music, and music production in particular, and many would argue that leaning about recording and producing music can only be done through practical work experience, and that self taught, skilled producers are often the ones who are not formally qualified, but have the expertise through hard work and experience. However, if you have a Pro Tools Certification Los Angeles studios may be more willing to employ you, purely because you have proof that you have mastered the workings of the program to a certain level.

Getting certified will give you the necessary theoretical knowledge that self taught producers may take much longer to gain. Likewise, self taught producers have a unique sense of skill and practical application that cannot necessarily be taught. This is why both approaches work, but a combination of the two will really enhance your skill level and overall competency.

It is possible to learn most of the theory using help guides and online resources without getting any formal training. However, doing a course will make your learning more structured and systematic. It will possibly fast track the theory part of your learning or fine tune your skills if you already have extensive knowledge of the program. This means you will have more time to be creative because the theoretical knowledge will help you to find the quickest solutions to basic issues.

During a certification course, one will often realize that there are more functions and features than you may have realized. It will help you to quickly identify the best way to do things and to provide different ways of getting the same or a similar effect, without getting stuck using the same method continuously.

Employment is obviously one of the main benefits. As much as a good reputation can get you into some of the best studios, many top studios these days require some form of certification before they even speak to you.

Networking is definitely a big factor in deciding whether or not to get certified. If you already have a strong network in the industry and a list of experience that no one could argue with, you may be just fine. However, being new to the industry where no one will take you seriously if you have no real world experience will mean that the right certificate could help you to prove yourself as competent.

One disadvantage of starting off with only a certificate is that entering a job may make you feel incompetent when you find yourself having to think outside the box in a real world situation where the experts seem to have all of the answers. So even if you are already enrolled and learning, try to make some contacts and get some experience in a studio with someone you really respect.

Another factor that may cause people to doubt whether it is a good idea to get certified training is the cost. The training can be pricey but if you are serious about being a producer as your career is may be well worth your while. On the other hand, it may not be necessary for someone who is looking to do some basic recording and mastering at home as a hobby. Either way, it will take dedication and hard work to truly master the art of music production.

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