
More Than Just Fun

By James Hardens


As I was looking over my photography one day, I noticed how alike they seemed to be, without inspiration and rather dull. But, as I focused on the poor elements of lighting, exposure, and composition in every photo, I gathered my gear together for the travels that day. Then, no matter were I went or how I tried to adjust my settings, these poor effects seemed to follow me around! I couldn't get over all of the negative effects which seemed to creep into my photography, making my morning quite unproductive.

Something had to change. As long as I kept focusing on the poor elements, they were sure to show up in my photos. The only chance for improving my photography was to focus on the strong elements. So, I decided that I first needed a break. After relaxing and reflecting on the good elements, I was finally able to identify at least one strong element in each of the photos. As I did so, even nature itself seemed to bloom with the beauty and goodness that surrounded me, but which I had neglected to pay any attention to.

As I concentrated on the beauty, more beauty seemed to present itself in fuller detail. From this one situation, I learned at least two important lessons. First, you will see whatever it is you focus on. As a photographer, it is crucial that we focus on beauty and strong elements. Second, taking a break to look at a situation with fresh eyes can be extremely valuable.

Color Explorations

Each season brings with it a new explosion of color. Whether it is the greens of spring, with fresh pinks and yellows to brighten the day, or the reds and yellows from the fall season, I love color! The rich beauty of color helps you to emphasize and enhance some of the most stunning features of a season. Not only that, but you will be able to capture and convey that same beauty to everyone who has a chance to view your photos.

Night Explorations

So few photographers make it out to explore the world after night falls. Not only are you missing out on the mystery of the evening, but also you might be unaware of the nuggets of fun that can be unearthed as you explore nature at night. Thankfully, night photography can be remarkably simple if planned well. To invest a small portion of effort, you can reap amazing images that will cause your audience to experience the "wow" factor.

As you do a little planning, you'll want to know what the weather will be for that evening and what the position of the moon will be in the sky. Then, once you have your scene set, you can easily move in to capture the rare moments that are truly worth while. The better your preparation, the more awe inspiring your photos will be.

Shooting night photos is most easily achieved with aperture settings between f/11 and f/22. By using settings within this range, you ensure better precision and detail. Still, you'll find that night photography allows you much fun and flexibility for exploring an entirely new world that awaits you in the hours before dawn.

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