
Location And Studio Fashion Photography Classes In New York - Book Early For Discount

By Dan Feildman

Digital Photography Classes, Digital Photography Schools, Fashion Photography Courses, Fashion Photography Tips, Fashion Photography Tutorial, Nude Photography Courses, Photography Courses, Photography classes, Photography Training Classes, Portrait Photography, Senior Photography Courses

Pay attention Usa, Bruce Smith, Renowned United kingdom Fashion Photographer, will soon be crossing over the Atlantic, offering the greatest Location And Studio Fashion Photography Classes available anywhere.

Where: Ny, Chicago, La & Miami

Eight places on each Location And Studio Fashion Photography Study course

When: During August 2012 Ny: Aug 1st to 3rd - $1299 Chicago: August 10th to 12th - $1299 La: August 17th to 19th - $1299 Miami: Aug 22nd to 24th - $1299

These are 3-day Location And Studio Fashion Photography classes that will consist of 1 day of lecture and shoot preparation, one day of shooting in the studio and 1 day of shooting out on location in the middle of the city. If you book early you might qualify for a 25% discount off the above training course fees. What this Location And Studio Fashion Photography Lessons covers for the 5 day shoot;-

* Studio and Location shoot planing

* Studio And Location fashion lighting methods

* Planning to shoot

* Guiding your models

* Learn to generate a flow of positive energy into your own photos

* You'll learn to compose your images

* Work your images to fit designs and pages of periodicals

* Figure out how to manage your digital workflow

* Clean up the mysteries about color balance

* Control over your image files

* Learn how to obtain the most out of studio lighting

* Find out how to use your meter to control picture contrast and exposure

* Find the answers to all of those questions you can never find the answers to

* Have lots of fun and go back home with a few excellent photos for your own portfolio or web site Booking A Combined Location And Studio Fashion Photography Course

Program summary and schedule for these photography classes...

Accommodation If you require accommodation during these classes, some of us will be staying in an hotel close to where we'll be shooting, you'll have to pay for this straight and make your own reservations, details about which hotels will be available on here soon. We're negotiating special rates.

Transfers and travel For any of these Location And Studio Fashion Photography courses you'll need to arrange your own flights and transfers to the location of the hotel or to where we will be shooting, based upon which lessons you book.

Sign up for the little gems to find out how the pictures on the this page were produced and lit with detailed guidelines for the post production.

For the best out of these Location And Studio Fashion Photography courses, we recommend you to take a portfolio editing and Photoshop for fashion retouching course held the day after each of the 3 and 4 day classes, its included as a part of the 5 day courses.

Early Booking Discount - First three To Book Get 25% Off Before The End Of March 2012... Click The Link Below To Meet Bruce Smith:-)

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