
LCD vs LED vs Plasma. What are the Advantages of the LED TV?

By Andrew Perez

Led HDTVs have grown to be quite popular through the years. A great deal more people have started to take part in the LED wave, with the volume expanding each day. Nonetheless, out of everyone that will buy these LEDs, what percentage of these people really recognize how they actually operate, or if it actually provides any added advantages in regards to an LCD vs LED or plasma. This has been a big discussion for a while. You get a number of people suggesting that the plasma is more preferable and others telling you the LED is way better. The best method to truly determine which one is really better, is to execute a side-by-side assessment and establish our conclusions on genuine info rather than thoughts and opinions.

LCD vs plasma: When it comes to comparing an LCD to plasma, many people will have a difference of opinion when it comes to picture quality. In my opinion, the picture quality is a tossup. Both TVs give you great picture depending on what you're watching. Watching sports on a plasma TV seems to be slightly more preferable, while watching 3D movies seem to be geared more towards the LED. Again, it really depends on the preference and opinion of the consumer.

Where the differences really stand out are in size, energy consumption and life span. The LED is much lighter than the plasma, which makes it extremely easy to mount or set up. The LED also uses a significant less amount of energy. Plasma can consume up to 60% more power than the LED. This is because the plasma uses burning phosphorus gas to portray its picture. This also could be the reason why the LED lasts longer. Since the LED uses light emitting diodes and not phosphorus gas, it does not run the risk of eventually burning out. Although plasmas do last a long time, eventually after so many years, the gasses start to slowly die down until they eventually burn out.

The plasma has also been known to leave image burn INS when left on a specific image for too long. We always had this problem when I worked at an electronics store. When the plasma is left sitting all day with a still image like a DVD menu for example, the image will ingrain itself into the screen, which means that when you try and watch something else, you will still be able to lightly see the DVD menu. I've seen this over and over again.

LCD vs LED: When it comes to an LCD vs LED, the main difference is the type of backlighting they use. Keep in mind that an LED is in fact an LCD. This is where most people tend to get confused. An LCD uses what's called a cold cathode fluorescent lamp (ccfl), while an LED uses light emitting diodes. The LED uses carefully placed sensors to regulate the picture being sent. These sensors detect the 1's and 0's data being transmitted and adjust the color display pixel by pixel. This allows the LED to use lighting more efficiently. This is what's known as local dimming. The LCD does not have this feature.

This is the reason why the LED offers you deeper black levels, clearer color and a far more vivid image. With local dimming, you can watch high definition TV in any kind of lighting at virtually any position. This results in a more pleasant viewing experience. The LED television also happens to be less heavy and slimmer which once more make it easier to mount on your wall or set-up.

Basically, the Led television is definitely brand new technology that will only keep getting significantly more developed and offer even more benefits. Even though I don't believe the plasma is going to be entirely substituted by the Led television, I do think the LCD is nearing its end. Considering that an LED television is essentially an LCD, there is no need to continue manufacturing LCD only TVs. I believe that soon, all LCD TV sets will eventually be replaced by LED-LCD TVs.

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